
Why hurricanes,floods and fires are more these days in the world?

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Why hurricanes,floods and fires are more these days in the world?




  1. Because of all the blasphemers. God is setting the world straight. I'm sure that within this year California is going to be demolished. Gone. Don't try and escape either. God will find you.

  2. Not more! Just better publicized.

  3. These natural phenomenon go through cycles.  We are just in a high incident'll settle down. Everything in nature runs in circles, cycles like a wheel. The planets are round, wind swirls, hurricanes and tornadoes spin, the earth rotates, these things all go in accordance to nature, the natural cycles. Sometimes they are stronger other times weak. Sometimes in abundance, sometimes scarce. Don't worry, it is the way it's suppose to be. The Universe is unfolding as it should. Man needs to understand he cannot change the natural rhythm of nature.  He must learn to live with it, not against it. If man hadn't tried to change the natural flow of the rivers and had built outside the natural flood plains, they would not have been living in the areas the river reclaimed.  If man didn't build in the forests, didn't get careless with fire there would not be so many people living near the forest fires, there wouldn't be so many forest fires and those that we do have would have been by natural lightning, which would burn out naturally. Man is warned these days of hurricanes, he should heed those warnings. I wouldn't live near a coast that is prone to direct hits by hurricanes, myself. Nature is going to do it's thing, with or without man around.

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