
Why i can not run in my dreams?

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buddy i have a big problem plzzzz solve it

Why i can not run in my dreams?




  1. what do u mean by run

  2. Its a sign that you are stagnate or not moving forward with things in your life.

  3. I'm not sure, but i cant slap people in mine. No matter how hard i try, i can't.

  4. Thats a message for you that means why do you have to run. you don't really have to run.

    You should go...........

    Slow and steady wins the race!

    No problem with dreams, just keep doing your job with patience.

  5. with regards to this question i will say that someone or something is trying to hold you back,,,, and that someone is not wanting you to succeed in life.

    best advice is to read namaz/salah if u already do then fantastic, Allah bless you...

    do dua to Allah, read, Aitul-Kursi, allaho laa-i-laha-illul- ho-al-kayuum. it starts like that, similar, sorry i may have made a mastake, plz forgive me if i have conducted a mistake. just always remember Allah in your du's and inshallah you will be safe.


    what time did u recieve this dream,,,,,,ppl say that if you see a dream just before Fajr namaz then it turns out to be true, the meaning of course.... but if you saw the dream after Fajr then it is 'Shetaani' lol u get me

  6. I have the same problem...and the harder I try the slower I go.  I wish I knew, cause it bugs me too.  It's like trying to run in a pool.

  7. it happens to me all the time too, i want to run away but i just can't's strange ...

  8. I don't know, but when I am driving a car in my dreams, I cannot get it to stop.  No matter how hard I push the brakes, it won't stop.  Wonder what that means?

  9. i have dreams like that and my grandmother tells me this means that i am not meant to run im suppose to face the problem

  10. So.. what your saying is you can't physically run in your dreams?

    first off I'm not an expert on dream interpretation..

    but to me it sounds like something is getting in the way?

    In life maybe.. and you not being able to run in your dreams could probably symbolize that.. all I know is you should never let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your goals..

    I hope you find out what it really means.. and Good Luck!

  11. what do you mean by yu cant run ?

  12. When you are trying to run in a dream, but can't, that usually symbolizes that you are overwhelmed by a problem you can't escape.

  13. depends....where are you running to? what are you running from? take the answers to those questions and see what meanings you can give might want to go buy a dream interpretation book......when you have answers that you think fit the dream compare them to what is going on in your life......where are you trying to "run" in your waking life? what is holding you back? or what are you trying to run from in your waking life? figure it out.....then take steps to adjust your thinking or actions about the situation.

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