
Why i dont hv any girlfriend inspite of being tall n good looking?

by  |  earlier

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hey girls out there ,a chance for you to date a hansome hunk




  1. Looks are not everything.

  2. Well, I hear your plight. I too am a handsome man plus a really nice guy, but no luck either.

    Girls these days are shallow, they keep looking for something that is not there while ignoring the best thing in front of them.

    So until that changes there will be no hope for us.

    And no, there is not somebody for everyone... That is a myth I know all too well.

  3. It all depends on luck

  4. Most girls are very intimidated by good looking guys, try to look cool without looking over the top cool. Also some girls interpret good looking guy as shallow and a player (not worth the trouble, just heartache later on) Act like their buddy, not aloof. Good LUCK!

  5. well it works both ways i am a very beautiful young lady and guys think it hard to approch me i don't know i am very pleasant friendly, but still no action but i kind of gotten use to it where are you i am in the va beach area email me at hope to hear from u lol

  6. Lol maybe because your illiterate LOL just kidding sorry...But you might be mean you sound kinda arrogant no offense I mean I don't really know if you are nice though maybe you don't approach glrls well or don't approach glrls at all a glrl LOVES a guy who makes the first moves and take control (not like you own her control but not a submissive pansy either)

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