
Why i feel depressed for sleeping around ?

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i'm 20 , and i'm constantly feeling really sad because i dont feel pretty enough and for not getting anyone , i've never really had any relationship , although i've always sleep around with ramdon ppl i meet or ppl i'm surrounded by and feel really guilty and everytime i promise not to do it again i happen to do it again . and I get even more deprssed because i realised these guys dont really want me for anything else but s*x , and this gets worse when i have to see the ppl(i've slept with) on a daily basis . because i feel rejected but i happen to do it again , even though it's not good for my mental health , i've diagnosed with bipolar disorder , and i've attempted suicide a few times , but i always wonder why guys reject me or why i feel so guilty after i do it or i keepo doing it ? coz i dont know , any answers




  1. Next time you meet a guy you like dont jump in the sack with him straight away. If he likes you he'll wait and it'll be worth it

  2. Well,

    You need to feel good about your self and you think by sleeping with somebody there going to love you but they are just using for s*x.Don't worry about it so much maybe it's the people that you are choosing. Never feel that your not pretty enough you are pretty and i'm sire you  are a awsome person. You feel gulity after you have s*x because you know it's not what you really want to do but it's getting attenshion. Get some confiendence in yourself and belive your PRETTY I hope this helps.  

  3. You are associating s*x with the feeling of being wanted and nurtured. This is really unhealthy!

    You are feeling depressed because you are slowly loosing your self respect.

    Try spending some time on your own and get comfortable and happy with your own company. This will make you stronger and men will see this and be drawn to you not your v****a!

    I have had and still do have a lot of one night stands and I love it because I still have my self respect and I'm not using these guys for comfort or the feeling of being wanted. I'm using them for s*x, nothing more and nothing less.

    I love being single but I still have sexual needs and sometimes the rabbit doesnt quite do it!

    If you do decide to carry on having one night stands you need to be able to distinguish between meaningless random s*x and s*x with someone who cares for you - they are completely different.


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