
Why i keep on finding roaches in my bathroom?

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is it true that they come from the drain?




  1. They could have crawled in through a window or door, if they are generally small in size.  The ones that crawl up your drain are the huge ones that make you want to throw up when you see them.  They normally just die once they are inside.  I have only found one that was alive.  All the others have been dead.

    The smaller ones are very hard to get rid of.  If you're in an apartment you can probably blame your neighbors if you are a clean person.  You need to call an exterminator to get rid of them and they will probably have to come back various times as the roaches will continue to pop up.  I think roaches eat soap.  I've seen them in bathrooms too.  They will hide in any crevice or where there is moisture too.  GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. It could be...

    1. You are eating in your bathroom too much. Eat in your kitchen!!

    2. There is something in your bathroom that attracts roaches.

    3. You didn't kill the very first one you saw, so it ran back and told it's pals to come and eat.

    They can come from cracks in walls and stuff. Go call an Extreme Exterminator. If you do, you're going to have to stay in a hotel for a few nights, because those guys FLOOD your house with poison.

    Or you can settle for a normal one, if you want. >D

  3. no they don't come from the drain. they find their way to water be it through cracks in windows doors behind base board etc.

  4. most beetles and roaches are able to climb up the drain so that could be where they are coming from

  5. yea they come from drains . In old trick we use is get a cup of bleach, pour a cup down each drain (toilet, bath tubs, sinks) that usually gets rid of them for awhile.

  6. I would say there is a nest nereby. I dont think they come from the drain. Get a BOMB !!!

  7. Yes, they can come from the drain.

    If you're finding more than one (obviously), it's time to call in the professionals. Roaches carry diseases, and really it's time to get rid of 'em!

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