
Why i saw my dream alive?

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i had a bad dream i dreamt of a black cat ..and i could not wake up i was cold my arms got cold...and when i wake up i saw ablack cat ..but dont know what happen then ..i dont remember...i dont know if my dream was alive or not ...the cat was looking at me like human being and stayed there for long question is something happen their cause i dont remember what happen next.




  1. hmm how strange.well ive had a dream like that true.i had a bad dream that everyone in my family was dead.i thought i knew how to wake up if i had any dreams so i tried to wake up and did but still im my what im saying is that you must have woken up in another dream.O and i think its normal if you dont remember what happend cause ppl mostly forget their dreams.i know i do.although i mostly remember my bad dreams but i always forge my good ones.

  2. So your saying you had a dream in a dream?

    That happened to me once. It was very confusing. I think in your dream you were dreaming and when you woke up you saw a black cat. But you didn't actually wake up in real life. It seems scary but I'm sure it's nothing.

    Hope I helped,

    3rd time deleted

  3. Don't worry. Dreams have no significant meaning.  


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