
Why idiocy over goodness?

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Why has American youth become so....well, stupid?

Why is everyone my age interested in RAP, when they can listen to something that can actually be considered music?

WHY do they all persist in fighting, gossiping, drinking, and doing drugs when they can do somthing GOOD like read a book?

I mean, I'm only 14, and I seriously get sick when I'm at school just by being around people like that.

Adults have told me that they're just idiots, ignore them, the world is filled with idiots.

My question is:

Why is the world such an idiotic place?

Especially when it comes to youth?




  1. I feel the same way.  

    The best advice I can give is go to college and always hang out in the music building/lounge or around the art building.  That's where all the interesting people are, at least in my experience.  

    Another thing it boils down to is mediaization.  The young ones now are the most interwoven technology than ever before.  This has created some backlash we will continue to see.

  2. I hear youn loud and clear... sometimes you feel like you were meant to live in the past..... Where is the love?

  3. Because people are young and are designed to make their mistakes and learn from them. Don't forget that what you think is weird might be reversed, those kids might think you're weird for reading books?

    You're not, I'm just speculating.

    I love books...

  4. Because people think it LOOKS good. And newsflash people, it DOESNT. You are probably one of the smartest people I have ever come across. You actually understand how the world is, the state it's in. I'm only 12, but I feel strongly about this as well. I hate the way people act when they act like this, and my school is exactly the same, its all drugs and drinking and fighting. It's sick. I don't know what the people who take a liking to this kind of behaviour are thinking, but they certainly can't be right in the head, I'll give you that. Your completely right though, what has the world come to? Why do people have to be like this? It's not right.


  5. Because we teens have pressure we always wana be popular so we do things that ppl consider "cool"

    Plus us young ppl haven't expirienced as much as adults

  6. Wow...I don't know anyone your age who likes rap...weird... Just be smart. At least you can write with proper grammar and decent spelling. That's impressive.

  7. you are a very smart girl.

    i guess kids want to experiment at a young age. every1 learns through experience.

  8. They are lost!

  9. It is probably because current youth culture is self-indulgent, and anti-intellectual. The idea that one should try to gain knowledge, and skills, and regard for others, is considered by them a waste of their "valuable" time.  And people who do pursue such things are regarded as "weird", the catch-all word they use in place of a full vocabulary.  I am very glad that I am as old as I am, and will not have to live in the world these knuckleheads are creating.  We are quickly on the road to third world status in the U.S. as there won't be enough capable, and educated people left to maintain our way of life, let alone, institutions, culture, or civilization.  Good bye and good riddance to them and their many copy cats, who are even dumber than they are.


  10. youth is a time fo making mistakes and acting up. they may think that your acting like an idiot

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