
Why if a parent is putting their child in danger?

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and ask a question on yahoo answers about laws concerning ages, do they report an answer which they don't like. If you give someone an answer and also your opinion which is not mean and quote something they wrote in their question what's the problem?

When I ask a question here I understand that there will be answers that I want to hear and than others I will not like so much.

What do you all think?




  1. Some people are idiots and just can handle answers they don't want to hear.  The R&S section is especially bad.  

  2. maybe the answer you had reported was in your opinion just something they didnt' want to hear. But perhaps from their perspective, they found that you worded it rudely or derogatory, and that was why it was reported. It's not what you say, but how you say it

  3. I read Mozz's question.  She was asking because she was concerned about her son's safety and wanted to make sure her decision was safe.  I don't know who reported you, but I must say that I don't really blame them.  Calling someone a bad parent for asking a question of that nature was extremely rude and offensive.  So live, learn, and let it go.  

  4. Idk either! Some people are really sensitive I think, and I also think that they really dont want to hear other peoples real opinions, they just want to hear people that agree with them

  5. I'm not sure.  I would think laws, which are factual, would be welcomed answers.  Facts are not wrong.  I too know that when I ask questions I will have answers that I both need and don't want to hear and I can take that, but I only report the really rude/harassing ones or ones that are obvious troll answers.  


    I just read Mozz's post.....she's not one to make up stuff.  If you were just answering to be critical then you would have been best off leaving your answer off her post.  I hope that wasn't the case though.

    I read Mozz's questions she's referring to....she's just trying to make sure she keeps her son as safe as possible.  Trying to keep your children safe is in no way, form or fashion bad parenting.  Again I hope you didn't imply that about her.

  6. Okay....  

    I think.... too many people get hurt about being reported.  Who cares it's a question forum not a popularity contest.  And too many people get anal about receiving answers they dont want to hear, who cares?  People look way too much into these situations.

  7. Calling someone a bad parent is mean. Most parents on here take a LOT of offense to that statement. If you honestly didnt think calling someone a bad parent is a problem I would suggest learning common sense. You didnt have to add the opinion about her parenting choice. I answered that question as well. I quoted a law I found and listed a source.

  8. wow, I read mozz question too and she didn't call herself a bad parent, she simply was saying she didn't know how much he weighed and then said that as a funny/ sarcastic mark after it, BTW my kids are 6, 4 and 11 months and I have no idea what the 6 and 4 year old weigh ~ Certaintly doesn't make me a bad parent.

  9. Because you judged me and insulted me, on a level I've never seen, and it was completely unprovoked.  When I said "how bad a parent am I?"  It was obvious it was because I didn't know how much my son weighed.  Don't pretend you didn't get that.  

    You deleted your post anyway.  I would've happily deleted my add on, and let bygones be bygones.  I can't, the site wont let me, and I do regret that.  I have a good reputation here.  I'm not putting my child in danger and to suggest it will have many people here point out differently to you.  

    This isn't about me hearing what I didn't want to hear.  That happens all the time.  Gotta get in line to hate me I always say.  You were condescending and self righteous and treated me as badly as I've ever seen on here and I said so.  

    I appreciate that you pulled your answer.  I didn't realize it was to make a bigger issue out of it here.  Don't really know what to make out of that.  But I'll stay out of your future posts if you like.

    I got some great information on that post.  I really don't want to pull it, as I would really like to see Bosox be awarded the points.  She did research online, found what I couldn't find, and floored me with her post.  And she had the same concerns about safety as you!  But guess what, she said it with respect.  

    But I will own up to the emotional add-on I put up there with a retraction.  Best I'm willing to offer considering how badly you treated me, another mother, in my own forum.

    - - - -

    Wow, okay if you didn't pull your answer and it was reported, all I can say is I wasn't the only offended person in the room.  People are telling you you're wrong.  Maybe... if it walks like a duck.... and looks like a duck... well you know the rest.

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