
Why if the ice caps are melting .............?

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Why, if the holes are over the ice caps are causing them to melt, it is the ommisions from every where else in the world thats causing the holes in the ozone layer? Why are the holes not over the U.K, U.S.A, China, Russia?




  1. Because a bunch of people who think they are scientists come out with ludicrous ideas before making sure their facts are straight.

  2. They have link ozone to climatic winds I think they list them as (ACC).But it's the refreeze rate that you have to worry about.It's a cycle, fresh water melt can actually be beneficial.In the sense that it traps and isolates glacier thawing.

  3. Stinky Badger is off the wall. Environmentalists were right to raise the alarm about the depletion of the ozone layer, and governments all over the world decided that the danger was real and have phased out the use of hydrochloroflourocarbons. The ozone holes occur at the poles because global air currents make the hydrochloroflourocarbons collect there. Fortunately they are slowly chemically changing, and the ozone holes have stopped growing. For those who don't know, UV radiation is quite hostile to life.

    It may turn out that the increased dose of UV radiation at the poles is helping to melt the ice faster. I haven't heard of any theories or research about this, but I do wonder.

    It's true that global warming and ice ages occur in a cyclical fashion. What is also true is that we humans are helping the warming along, and that every major global warming has caused mass extinctions. If we don't get our act together, we could find a planet populated by 20 billion people fighting desperately for food and water.

  4. There is some relationship between the ozone layer and global warming, but these are really two separate problems. However, the mass media and pop culture often confuses these two issues.

    Global warming is related to increasing amounts of greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc.), and holes in the ozone layer are caused primarily by CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons).

    “Holes” in the ozone are areas where the ozone layer has thinned, or has partially been depleted. CFCs are mainly released at northern latitudes--mostly from Europe, Russia, Japan, and North America. Once in the atmosphere, CFC’s release their chlorine atom (Cl) when struck by UV waves (sunlight). The chlorine atom then reacts with ozone molecules (03) and recombines the ozone molecules to form simple atmospheric oxygen (O2).

    Cl + 2 O3 = Cl + 6 O2

    Ozone concentrations around the world have decreased, but the thinning has been most dramatic in the sky above the South Pole. A combination of specific weather conditions and CFC chemistry created this hole above Antarctica.

    The Montreal Protocol is a wonderful example of an international treaty designed to protect the environment. It went into effect on January 1, 1989. Due to its widespread adoption and implementation, the concentrations of the most significant ozone-depleting molecules have leveled off, or begun to decrease.

    This concept of ozone layer depletion was politically controversial in the 1990s but has broadly been accepted by the scientific community. Paul Crutzen, Mario Molina, and F. Sherwood Rowland were awarded the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering the chemical mechanism that links CFCs to ozone depletion. The Montreal Protocol was negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations and is widely seen as a model for the Kyoto Protocol. The scientific basis of ozone depletion has been disputed by some global warming skeptics and related institutions, including Patrick Michaels, Steven Milloy, and Fred Singer (this is one more reason why these guys should not be taken seriously).

    The reason why ozone depletion is more pronounced over the Antarctic is very complex, but well understood. Read more about this if interested:

  5. I think it is the greenhouse affect, not the holes.

  6. The so-called "ozone hole" is smaller than it was 10 years ago. So much for that prophecy of doom.  "Acid rain" has not spelled the end of civilization much for that one.  Now we have the Mother Of All Doom.....the dreaded "global warming."   The Greenies and enviro-fascists will play it for all it's worth, and then the truth will emerge.   Either this warming is natural, and not caused by man (in which case we are pretty presumptuous to think we can reverse it), or there really is no sustained warming.  But don't worry, the Greenies and others will come up with a new one.  Maybe it will be rubber tires that will mean the end of humanity and all the animals.

  7. Oh no! , not again , you've been listening to these 'disaster-miesters' haven't you?... I'm one of these people who have always believed that the Earth has always had it's cycles , it's millions of years old. No-one remembers the ice-age but it did exist , when much of the planet was covered in ice and well below sub-zero temperatures. To 'blame' our modern life-styles over a thirty year period for causing calamatious events 'in the future' is complete and total nonsense.

    Just get on with your life and be happy.

  8. Their are no holes in the ozone.

  9. Well these are two different phenomenon.

    Ozone depletion due to CFC's caused large "holes" in the ozone layer to open up - due to the reaction of chlorine etc with oxygen.

    CO2 and Methanates are being released due to increased use of fossil fuels and the longer duration of warm weather in the formerly frozen Arctic tundra areas.

    The reason the ozone hole affects the poles is because of the same reason that weather moves across the continents in a "general" direction, this is called the "Coriolis" effect, so over North America, most all storms travel from west to east, (except strong hurricanes etc).

    In the southern hemisphere storms travel in more or less the opposite direction , so warm waters flow in from Africa towards South America and from the Indian Ocean onto Africa, exceptions include powerful monsoon / seasonal rains in India and throughout the Polynesian and North Australian area.

    Initially, Ozone, CFC's,  sulphates and excess CO2 IS over the UK, US, China and Russia, and Africa and the Amazon basin where they are generated, CO2 from clear-burning whole forrests causes significant amounts of CO2 to be released.

    In any event these gases start out near the surface over there production areas and as they drift higher into the atmosphere, they distribute with the weather.

    Ozone - a mild irritant to asthmatics actually is produced by cars just like CO2 and some of it does contribute to the Ozone layer but most of the ozone present in the upper atmosphere comes from the reaction of normal oxygen to the high-energy magnetic fields created at the poles and also at very high altitude.

  10. because of the earths magnetic field The north and south poles of the earth are like the poles of a magnet.

  11. Cambridge University has a good introduction to the ozone issue which you may find beneficial.

  12. the holes over the poles especially the southern pole is natural, due to no sun in the winter (hence the hole closes in winter) and opens in summer due to the sun. remember the poles get very little darkness in the summer.

    the sun is causing a break down of the molecules (forget the chemical equation for it) that cause it to open, this is something that has been going on for eons. mans activity has nothing to do with it.

    it doesn't happen as much over us because we get enough darkness to reverse the process. also something to do with the magnetic forces is also why not over the countries you mention. still don't fully understand it still puzzled by it myself on how that works.

    remember this is you don't remember anything else, when you are being scared by this calamity or another whether global warming, wars, economic downturns forcasts whatever the fear mongering is, ask your self (who benefits? who benefits if the masses believe the lie?). that way you will realize your being lied to in most cases.

    the purpose of the news media is not informatin but mind manipulation. they are not intersted in getting the truth out to people on what is going on, why, who is doing what why, why this or that is happening and why it can't be stopped, can be stopped, who what where when why how etc are deliberatly not answered honestly or fully.

    I guess they call it half truths, spin, propaganda and down and out deliberate lying. infact I wouldn't be surprised if down the line we find out that the scare about the bees dying off was a scam.


  13. Its the increase in global temperature that is causing the ice caps to melt. Its the increase in carbon emmisions that are destroying the ozone layer, thus allowing dangerous UVA rays from the sun to penetrate through.There are no ice caps in the Uk, China as far as I know. Live Green.

  14. Didn't you hear, ozone holes are last decades scare topic.  It is now passe. Global Warming is the new black, it's what's in style.  Talking about ozone is like wearing stonewash to the fashion show.

  15. It's the dead of winter.  Temperatures at the north pole are -60 degrees.  There is no ice melting at these temperatures.

    The ice is gaining in thickness.  

    The ozone hole only opens up over Kennebunkport before presidential elections.

  16. dunno.

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