
Why immigrants get help before americans?

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i have a friend thats a single parent and diabled having it hard. she's trying to get help from the state but all they'll give her is $74 fs (no cash-going through changes).

i have a neightbor thats here from mexico (daughter born here), i was talking to her about my friend and she told me she didn't have much of a problem.

why immigrants get help before americans?




  1. It's actually an example of two different situations.  Receiving disability, if that is what you are referring to, is actually difficult to do.  (moreso than just your everyday foodstamp, etc. benefits)  There are plenty of Americans who receive benefits too.  And technically, the person receiving benefits (your friend's daughter) was born here, therefore she is not an immigrant.

  2. That's the controversy about Mexicans coming over here ,its not that Americans don't like them its they get by with so much more than we Americans do. I don't know figure that one.

  3. They cry louder and yell racist discrimination all the time until they get their free help.

  4. one reason liberals!!!!!

  5. Why is it always a battle between immigrants and americans? Thats prejudice! Anyways, your "american" friend might be getting money from the state for a whole different reason than the "immigrant" is. I find it funny how you think it deals with being legal or not.

  6. Because Immigrants are TAKING ARE JOBS !!!! ghost of dale earnhart for prez

  7. Because illegal aliens have more rights than Americans. They get free health care, free  housing, free food stamps, and free education. All generously paid for by the American taxpayers.  The political system is pandering to them for their votes. They don't care about the rest of us.

  8. Political correctness.

  9. Ask the social security and children and families

  10. Americans  can have more all your friend have to do is to sick for Grants . this no immigrant can have.

  11. I'm not sure why anyone who is not an American Citizen is receiving funding or support, if they are here illegally how do they get tax payers money?

    Guess this is a subject I am ignorant on and need to do some research....if it's true, it is wrong. Are they getting monies using stolen identities?

  12. because we would not want to offend our illegal mexicans now would we after all we bow to Mexico on a lot of things i guess because we like their drugs

  13. Mr.Charm is right, they might be in whole different situations.

  14. I know my bestfriend, is single mother, can only work a part time job, and gets no help from the state.

    and everyday in my neighborhood there's a habitat for humanity house being built for a immigrant.

    I really don't understand it. Im not racist but I believe Americans should be taking care of first. There are still so many poor and homeless americans.

  15. The neighbor is getting the priority help because of the US born child. That's why they have the babies here, they know how to work the system

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