
Why impose sunctions on zimbabwe because of mugabe? u r the one to blame?

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yes he took back the land that had been taken from the natives in the same way... construing laws.

does it mean everybody should suffer because the British and its friends don't want Mugabe




  1. you are having a bloody laugh aren't you??!!  it is Mugabe who is making his people suffer...him & his bunch of thugs...don't you dare acuse the British over this!!

  2. unfortunately in life you will always affect large numbers when you stand your ground with tyrants. This thing that runs the country is no different than Adolf Hitler.

    The world had to go to war to stop him, however the idiot that runs Zimbabwe is not big enough in the world to do that.

    If he openly admitted he is a fool and is a disgrace to the human race that would be a start but the only thing to be done with this thing calling himself a president, is to send in the SAS or similar and get rid of him ounce and for all, ideally slow and painfully.

    It will be interesting to see if this gets best answer

  3. Let's see now.  Mugabe is a thief and a crook and an exploiter of his people.  Just like many African so-called leaders.  He won't allow opposition; he either has them shot or jailed.

    Why would anyone with a brain want him in?  Just his puppets, that's who.

  4. Why should the British taxpayer prop up a thug??

  5. Asking a question like this shows your lack of education on the subject.

  6. Mugabe is a murdering scum and is killing blacks and whites for his own gains not the ood of the people..........

  7. Answer these questions-were the local people better off with white control or under Mugabe? How many were killed by the white farmers as compared to Mugabe?

    Yes, it is our fault, we should never have pulled out.

  8. You really so wrong. It is not just the British. Mugarbe is a tyrant and needs to go regardless. You should be asking where all the money is that he has stashed away. That should be for the people not for his designer suits.

    Enough said.

  9. Solution - send in a hit-man/woman

  10. Your obviously as ignorant as Mugabe's supporters, or maybe, like them, he is paying you ??!!

  11. Try going to zimbabwe and gobbing off, see how long you survive. Zimbabwe fed most of africa, now it just begs for food. The rights and wrongs of white rule notwithstanding, they did at least manage to feed the people. Mugabe is little more than a criminal who has stolen power from the people, demolished their homes for voting against him, tortured, beaten, raped and bullied. This man is worse than the whites ever were, and his crimes are committed against his fellow black people.

    He is the one to blame you cretin.

  12. Why point fingers at others with self lack of knowledge?

    Why not look back in the past and present?

    Before and after on who is in office.

    If the past was wrong.

    Then no one advance in time.

    If the present was right.

    Then why moving backwards in time?

    Then living in misery like cave-men from the twilight zone in the 21st century?

    If the present is successful?

    Why the mess in own backyards?

    So who short-changed, conned and deceived others with self lack of knowledge in moving backwards in time.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  13. Nobody wants to see the Zimbabwean people suffer but Mugabe's policies and cronyism are killing the country and it's people.

  14. I think the recent election shows you what the Zimbabwean people want, whilst Mugabe intimidates, beats & tortures.

  15. didn;t every body have a job when ian smith was in charge,his country knocked out more grain and food than any other african was called the bread basket of africa,nobody liked his police force,they were bast---s,sanctions will not will starve the poor and innocent,i dont see any of mugabes mates starving and dying.the man has to go by fair means or sad to say foul.

  16. Mugabe is using the worst excesses of colonialism to justify his brutality, torture and anti democratic thuggery.

    He is supported up by Thambo M'beki who could have him removed in an instant but is too craven to do so. So it goes.

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