
Why in 2000 George Bush himself called McCain g*y, mentally ill, drug addict and that McCain has black child?

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  1. Because he played dirty politics to win the nomination. Something that many Republicans do. Not surprised.

  2. Everything that George Bush said is very much correct. McCain is senile, incompetent, brain damaged and warmongering degenerate who belongs in the nut house not in the White House.

  3. Bush was right on the money. Everything he said about McCain is the truth.

  4. Ditto what hillarysclam said.

  5. Answer: He didnt. And your source doesnt show how bush did any such thing.

  6. McCain does have PTSD, but rest are the result of Rove's lie and slander tactics.

  7. Good grief.

    Democrats will stoop to anything.

    The link is a a zombie comeback to life.  It reminds me of the sight of John Kerry the other night at the Convention - an embalmed corpse.  He wears more make-up than I do and is keeping some Botox clinic in business all by himself.

    That's boilerplate from a cleverly and deceptively worded press release from the John Kerry campaign media operation in 2004 that attempted to smear Bush and Rove by implicating them in some nasty business during the SC primary in 2000.  They had nothing to do with circulars or rumors.

    The Democrats have a nasty habit of assigning blame to the GOP for any and all things that occur during the course of any campaign.

    If it rains on election day and people can't get to the polls easily, the GOP has "suppressed the vote."

    In Ohio in 2004, the Democrats filed a lawsuit charging "voter suppression" against the GOP for long lines at polls although the precincts in question were in Democratic-controlled counties and had been selected and set up by Democrats.  It was thrown out of court.

    This is completely bogus.

    McCains youngest child is adopted.  She was born in Bangladesh.  They have never made any public issue of her race. Neither should anyone else.  

  8. I think your question is autobiographical in many ways. lol

  9. I very much agree with Bush on this one. This probably the first time in his life George W. Bush said the truth.

  10. Bush was very much truthful when he said that. I agree with Bush.

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