
Why in History class would......? PLEASE HELP!!!?

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Why in History class in school do they teach us way more about other

countries and cultures than our own? I mean, I would rather learn more and more about American History, than the history and cultures of other countries, for example: Spain and Germany. I just want to learn all about America!!!




  1. This is the first I've ever heard about history classes spending more time on other countries. That is assuming you're not refering to college history but rather high school and elementary school history. Of the latter two most actually focus more on American than world.

  2. My experience of Americans is that they are abysmally ignorant of the history (or anything else) of anywhere BUT the USA.  It surprises me that you are taught anything about other places.

  3. because in the past (say renaisanss), spain and germany were more significant in history than america (and it didn't even exist)

    the thing is, history class usually teach u about countries or events that had a significant impact in the world. since america has only been around for so long, it;s obvious that u wouldn't learn much about america.

    one u get to a certain grade however, u will have to take a history class specifically about america---the entire history.

  4. Well i think we learn about other countries for a few reasons.

    1) To develop our minds

    2) To help us know about other countries if we ever visit them

    3) So we can understand somethings about other countries, by knowing something about other countries it might actually help us learn something to improve our life or our own country.

    Besides USA is a country based on immigrants, its good to know somethings about our origins, to better understand our past and learn from the mistakes so we don't make them again and so we can fix the ones we made.

  5. Because of standardized tests, where I teach we teach too much American history, even in my World History class.  So I disagree.  Even when we do manage to teach outside US history, we tend to teach European history and neglect to teach about Asian, African cultures.

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