
Why in USA prices of commodities are not controllled by states Governing offices?

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no that' it.




  1. It's called capitalism, or what others call "free enterprise"

    This country was built on capitalism, we grew to being the best country inthe world, not by government intervention but in spite of  it.

    Governments destroy economies more easily than promote them.  

    This is a free society, we don't need, or want, government controls.   No society can exist with government controlling businesses.

    Economies exist without governments; governments need economies to exist.

  2. Because the USA has a Free Market Economy.  The Free Markey Economy means that I am free to charge what I wish for what I sell and you are free not to buy what I am selling.

  3. Throughout the world market forces control the commodity prices, Buyer and the seller used to control. Now with the commodity futures trading even the speculators do have a stake in the commodity market.

  4. free enterprise-- and it is a global market

  5. For the last 100 years, the United States has been the global commodities trading capital.  To impose more government control would be equivalent to kicking the market out of the United States since they will simply set up shop in a less restrictive country.  The cost to our economy would be billion of dollars and will not reduce the price of commodities by a single cent.

    Look what's happened to the IPO market in this country for a good example.

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