
Why (in general) do female humans have such large b*****s?

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I mean in comparison to other mammal species? Some women, not necessarily overweight ones have huge b*****s, you don't see that kind of variation on other animals do you? Dairy cows are the only one I can think of and they are like that because we've bred them like that to produce more milk.

Generally speaking most mammals have small ones especially if they've not have babies yet, take dogs for instance, and it varies quite little between individuals.




  1. Firstly, most other mammals have more than two b*****s, so theirs don't need to be as big as human's. Secondly, period of brestfeeding is much larger for humans - it can last up to 2 years, where as animals stop breastfeeding in months or even weeks.

    And, of course, there's natural selection for women with big b***s. Men love them, hehe.

  2. OK well here is my opinion based on 50 years of observation.  Sadly, large breast go with large women.  Sadly that is all too common in America now.  Other than that it does not seem that there are that many large breast women.  When you compare the rest of the body relative, that is.  There is misconception that men prefer large breast women.  Some women have even gone to the point of having surgery to enhance the breast.  I personally view that sort of thing as being shallow, both on the part of the males and females.

    Mammals, other than humans, are a great deal more efficient when it comes to things like reproducing and raising young.  It takes allot of energy for a female, to carry a fetus to term, breast feed it, keep it safe and keep herself save and alive.  Therefore no need for large breast.

    The diary cow is a totally different animal than its wild counter part.  Wild species of bovines do not have large udders.  The dairy cow has been breed over many years to yield amounts way beyond those of a wild one and daily, not just seasonally.

    Basically it is just not an efficient design in nature.

  3. Good point. Female gorillas don't have big b***s, do they?

    It's probably evolutionary. Women with bigger b*****s attracted the most male mates (quelle suprise), so gave birth to daughters with big b***s and so on and so on.

  4. it's obviously an evolutionary thing, like thumbs and stff :]

  5. i need a breast reduction, mine are a d cup and believe me its no fun lugging them about, funny thing was i was always flat chested, and all of a sudden they just grew, like magic beans!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. In many mammalian species, the b*****s or udders are minimal in size except during actual lactation.

    However, women are unlike most female mammals in that they do not have a specific estrus or mating season. Since they do not produce seasonal signals (as female dogs do, for instance) it becomes an evolutionary plus to have some other way of displaying sexual potential. It has been suggested that prominent, permanent b*****s are one way of doing this.

  7. good question, myself i like normal , more than a mouthfull is waste

  8. It has been suggested that human males began to prefer large b*****s after gradual anatomical changes made front-to-front s*x the norm, rather than the front-to-back s*x which is vastly more common among mammals.  The theory is that large b*****s replaced the buttocks as the most noticeable sign of fertility.

    Of course, there is little chance of testing this theory, so it will probably remain one of many competing theories.

  9. They look nice.


    They are what's called a secondary sexual characteristic. Like the manes of lions and the plumage of peackocks. Not necessary for reproduction, but helpful in getting a mate.

    Our b***s are big because there's a lot of fatty tissue laid in under there to exaggerate the size of them. Human males have comparatively large penises for the same reason (bigger, say, than a gorilla's p***s).

    It all comes down to natural selection. Humans are very driven by what we see, and we're not furry like the other primates, so we can see each other's bodies more easily. To attract a mate we need some way to show "hey, I'd make a great parent for your offspring" and so our sexual parts are enlarged to a ridiculous extent.

    Some primates paint their noses blue, some have red bums, we just go with the "look at all my goodies" theory.

  10. its in the structure of a human DNA, not all women have hugh b*****s,some have none at all.

  11. Here is the answer........

    When we used to walk on all fours, we used to have s*x from behind like animals.

    Now that we stand up right, evolving humans started to have s*x in the missionary position... But we still had the instict which turned us on to that bum-type-shape.

    Human b*****s mimic these, and simply put, they are there because men find them attractive for the reason I just mentioned. so they evoloved.

  12. You may not believe this but it is scientifically proven, so here he go. When humans were walking around on the Serengeti Plains we did not fully stand upright. Because of that we had s*x from the back like most animals do today. The early male humans were attracted to the buttox of the female, because if you are looking at the but of the female you probably were having s*x. Present day humans stand upright, so s*x becomes a face-to-face interaction, and if you look at the back of a woman wearing very low cut jeans that show her crack, and the front of a woman wearing a low-cut blouse, they will look very similar. In other words men are attracted to two big, soft, round objects.

    And then they were attracted to a more voluptuous women were more likely to be healthy and able to bear children. This means that early male humans that fine voluptuous females attractive were more likely to carry on their bloodline and have other male children that fine voluptuous females attractive.

    I hope this helps

  13. i guess its cause they have to breast feed ..

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