
Why in general do men have better senses of humour?

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I have noticed many more men are hilarious and women are not that funny, why is this?




  1. Most guys have a cruder sense of humor that most women dont appreciate.

    But in my life so far on this planet, these women only protest because they want to be seen as "higher sensed" than the men.  In reality, most of these types of women have a totally grotesque sense of humor with other women, when men arent around.

    I should know, Ive walked in on plenty of these types of women cracking up thier girlfriends with the same sort of gross and disgusting humor as their male counterparts.

    And believe me.....they get SOOOOOOOOOOO defensive and embarrassed when caught!

  2. To get into girl's pants.

    Talk about evolution.

    Im not kidding.

    I think ive seen a 'scientific' study done on this matter.

  3. not better, just different. they each must project an acceptable image in society. some things are okay for one and not the other. always been that way. all about fitting in and being one of the girls or one of the boys. and it changes as you age. a moving target about what is appropriate region by region, gender to gender, race to race etc. heck, i bet you already knew that.

  4. because they're more open minded

  5. its just a different point of view,of how its looked at is all..

  6. I don't know what the reason is, but I agree that we do.

  7. Because we don't freak out about every little thing.  Just laugh it off and move on.

  8. I think that generally speaking it is due to women's comparatively limited ability to understand causality.

    Without being able to trult understand the concept of cause and effect, the female mind is unable to comprehend the dissonance common to many forms of humour.

  9. i think girls are just more sensitive and since they are usually the put down gender they are just more laid back

  10. not to be sexiest but this is true. Its jus men are more funnier than women. Mostly its to impress the beautiful ones like you....

  11. Men lack the need for self-affirmation and are comfortable in their own skins, and moreover, we can laugh at ourselves... a quality intrinsic to good-quality, dry humour.

  12. Because men do not tend to over-analyze things or get caught up (read more into) in the details the way girls do.  This makes it easier for men to laugh at themselves and other people.

  13. I don't know if I agree...

    Of the three funniest people I know, two are females.  They're pretty special people though, real gems.... not your average Janes.  Nothing girlie-girl about them. (but not lesbos, either).  Jeez I love those two.

    Come to think of it, while I'm generalizing, lesbians are hilareous.  Two words:  Ellen Degeneres.

  14. The guy who mentioned evolution pretty much explained it. Humor is a human concpet evolved from trajedy (trajedy vs comedy, right?). I can imagine the men from early tribes encountered more death than women, since they went out to hunt which was always very dangerous. I imagine hunters often didn't come back, so the men developed humor as a way to cope (Ogg forgot to duck, hahahaha!). The trait stuck over generations, and maybe Ogg became an example for future hunters (don't be like Ogg, he no smart). Ialways think about that part in Mel Brooks' History of the World Part One, where some cave man was try to make the tribe laugh, was failing miserably, then got eaten by a T-Rex. Everyone laughed.

  15. There are perfectly good reasons women don't find 'f**t' jokes funny.

    They're not funny

    Beyond the age of 5, anyway.

    Maybe women prefer more cerebral humour and there's less of it around?

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