
Why in religious countires theocracy and democracy dont mix?

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Why in religious countires theocracy and democracy dont mix?




  1. How?

    With self lack of knowledge?

    Who misbehave with unruly behaviour, self prides, self rudeness, self image of standing idol, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God while idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom.

    After being hit on the head with the Book of the Dead.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  2.   If the government was lead by a political party and a established church council they would be antagonistic. An elected party will want to keep the public happy in order to maintain power. Some parties do claim to have principles but most of the time the attempt to keep different stakeholders in a society pleases. The churchs presence in government relies on that people believe in it, its rituals, codes of conduct and mysticism. Any trend that takes the people or the government away from this is resisted by the church and the other stakeholders in society are resisted. Theocracies are thus inherintly conservative and antidemocratic.

    For example many years ago in ireland there was a plan to introduce free healthcare for children  u16 and their mothers. The church which at the time had a lot of say in government because of its moral monopoly on the irish people resisted and got the government to Uturn. Think of the christian fundamentalists in America, many of there proposals dont belong in a democracy.They curb freedom of expression and construct a moral code of conduct. They thus seek to constrain a certain section of the populus even if they disagree with them.

  3. Because, sadly, even believers of a faith have human instinct to be selfish. To recognize a higher being as ruler would almost be considered a slash to pride to some of today's leaders. This is unfortunate because it sure sets a bad example if a religious, democracy government can't stay true to beliefs except in times of desperation.

    I would consider America a religious country, and our core values - Christian (Just read a Dollar Bill..."In God We Trust"). But the Constituion prevents a mix of Religion and Democracy. However, Bush is to be given credit for sticking with Christian morals that are so often forgotten in a Do-Whatever-Makes-You-Feel-Good Democracy. Kudos to our President.

  4. a democratic theocracy would be an oxymoron.

    its that simple.  theocracy is about being closed minded and dictating and imposing the will of a few on the many and democracy is about the opposite.

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