
Why in some Buddha statues depict him as skinny some and a chubby guy? IS it good luck to rub the noise or tum

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  1. A Buddha's body is generally in the form of a person sitting on a lotus in meditation posture, wisdom bump on the head, hair, thin eyes, long ears.

    The chubby/fat person is actually what people call the HAPPY BUDDHA, LUCKY BUDDHA. But he's called a buddha because he has officially been confirmed as the future buddha of this world. After this world has ended, this happy buddha will become the next buddha to teach buddhism to the world, like how Siddhartha did.  He is actually called the Maitreya Bodhisattva, World Honored Future Buddha.

    Well..Maitreya Bodhisattva is actually, in a sense, like Santa Claus with his bag of gifts. As it's already been answered, he will be the next Buddha to teach this world.

    But the reason why the Maitreya Bodhisattvas (World Honored Future Buddha) manifests the appearance of a fat, jolly man is much to do with his personality and compassionate giving.

    Maitreya Bodhisattva has immense patience in which nothing can make him unhappy. He is unmovable. If you spit on him, he would let it dry up rather than even acknowledge the bad causes of others. If he wiped the spit, it would mean he had a negative impression on the spitter and the spitting. Instead, his compassion leads him to not bare negative feelings towards anyone, no matter what. His patience causes him to be able to withstand any suffering.

    So that is why he is always laughing and smiling. He is always happy.

    Out of his full compassion for all living beings, the Maitreya Bodhisattva practices a great kind practice of giving and compassion. That is why there is his bag of "gifts" that fulfills everyone's wish. That is also why he is considered good luck and good fortune because he fulfills your heart's desire (in which that trust leads to people listening to the dharma that he would teach you along the way).

    In part of his giving, he stomachs all your unhappiness and woes. All your troubles, suffering, tears, woes, difficulties, etc... all of it, he stomachs it for you and takes it, hence I wrote the 3rd paragraph of this answer. And that's why his stomach is so big! That's all of the suffering and sadness he takes from you.

    It's like he is saying, "You don't want that suffering? Okay, don't worry, I'll take it. I'll eat it up, break it down, and stomach all that sadness for you. I just want you to be happy, so I'll fulfill your wishes too."

    Whatever people don't want, he stomachs it for you. And whatever you want, he gives to you, hence the bag of gifts.

    With his compassion and patience, he can take all that suffering. That's why he'll take it and stomach it for you. No problem to him. He can take it. So he'll take it. And whatever makes you smile, he'll try to accommodate.

    This Bodhisattva is extraordinary in happiness, giving, patience, and compassion. He has been conferred by prediction of the Buddhas that he will be the next Buddha of this world. When the dharma has completely been forgotten in this world, and the world has ended by human evils, the Maitreya Bodhisattva will attain full and equally proper enlightenment to that of all buddhas, and be the next buddha to teach this world, earth. He will introduce the Buddha Dharma just as Shakyamuni Buddha introduced the Buddha Dharma to this world as Siddhartha.

    Edit;  It would be more respectful to not rub the head of the statue. Maybe stomach is fine.


    In elaboration, the skinny Buddha is often shown in predominately Buddhist countries such as Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. He was the first to reach enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Nepal and encouraged others to seek enlightenment as well. He is also always shown with elongated ears, no sign of bones, and sitting in very few positions, representing a part of his life.

    And I believe it is good luck to rub the "fat" Buddha's stomach.

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