
Why in the front of the british passport is written 'dieu et mon droit'?

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isn't that french?? so y is the writing in french not english?




  1. It is the motto of Britains ruling monachs and is french for "God and my right"

  2. dieu et mon droit is God and my rights. I have no idea as to why it's written in french and not in english, but i always had this feeling that when choosing a motto, they went french because it sounds more sophisticated, you know.. :p joking apart, i really have no idea, and i think it's silly, it should be in English! So much for your national pride!!

  3. Yes it is French.  It means God and My Right.  Reason its in French is because it came into use in the days when English was only a fairly new language and many people spoke French + Much of France was British at the time.  No idea why we still use it though.

  4. It's Norman.  Similar to French but older (1066 and all that).

    Having a British passport means you have the personal protection of the crown.  The Queen's coat of arms is on the front and in common with many coats of arms the motto is in Norman.

  5. dieu at mon droit is french for God and my right, referring to the monarch's divine right to govern. it  has generally been used as the motto of the British monarch since it was adopted by the English king Henry V (1413-1422)

  6. Yes, it is French.

    As French is your second language you probably know it means 'God and my right'.

    It has been the motto of the British monarch for centuries.

    The front of the British passport shows the British Royal Coat of Arms which includes the motto..

  7. Well, you know the meaning. The reason why it's in French is down to William the Conqueror who came from France with his Norman knights. They killed Harold in battle and the crown passed over to a Norman who brought with him French influence, although he later spent most of his time back in Normandy. The motto is very old and reflects the French influence on English monarchs.

  8. It is French - It means God and My Right, and is the moto of the British Monarchy.

  9. The Beatles had a similar coat of arms in their Apple offices back in the sixties.

    The words underneath were chosen by Ringo.

    'Duit Hon Mon Dei'  ( Do it on monday?)

  10. It'sFrench Lol. it means "God and my right" It is the motto of the UK royal family and can be seen under their coat of arms.

  11. I think its because the language of the (British and for that matter Russian) Court was French and is retained as a motto as is Latin in various other establishments.

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