
Why in the h**l is everyone badmouthing the SEC now because of tennesse?

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Tennesse lost almost everyone last year, and i think they should never have been ranked at all this year, but everyone is all like -ooooh SEC is overrated-no, UT was overrated! talkin bout the 5th best team in the pac10 beat UT....Tennesse is probably the 7th best team in the everyone wants to hate on the SEC...thats ok...people hate you when your on top......and the SEC is gonna take the title again this year....leaving no doubt in anyones minds that if you take the TOP team from every conference, the team from the SEC will most likely be better than any other.....suck on that you D-bags.....




  1. NFL is better than college football.

  2. Since 1998, the vols have had this weird jinx. Right after the championship, everyone thought Fulmer was done. He continued and everything hasn't been right since.

  3. Talking about trash talking. SEC fans were talking trash before the game started, including those guys in ESPN booth who happens to be from the EAST. What have you got to say now that Tennessee was beaten by a worst team in PAC-10? And to those guys in the booth, what happened with the Michigan teams that were supposed to be contenders for bowl games? Both of them were beaten by a team from the West. Utah and CAL? Remember?

  4. Would you like some whine with that cheese?

  5. All the SEC fans act like the SEC is a Team!!

    Well your team got beat by the Pac 10!!

  6. The SEC is being bad mouthed after the Tennessee loss because all I've heard on here for the past few weeks is how great and unbeatable is every team in the SEC.

    I learned a long time ago not to sound my trumpet too loudly just so I don't have to eat my own words later.

    What goes around, comes around.  

  7. I agree, one team does not a conference make.  

  8. Well...during the game, the SEC was bad mouthed ... so every idiot watching decided they'd try to sound smart by regurgitating the same dumb commentary.

    Instead, they ended up sounding like a bunch of parrots.

  9. Just let them (them= bandwagon trash talking Pac-10 fans) be. Little do they know we have like 5 other teams in the top 25 and South Carolina is about to get in so make that 6 other teams. Pac-10 has 3? Let them be, they don't know what they are talking about anyway.

    All though I'm loving the Tennessee loss, why couldn't it have been to a Big 10 team where their fans are actually educated and don't talk nearly as much trash??? oh well, I'll take the Tennessee loss =]

  10. Yeah, it's amazing how jealousy makes wanna-be's so rude. I'm just wondering which team will stomp Ohio State this year.

    That was a great game to watch tonight. UCLA beat probably the 6th or 7th best team in the SEC. WOO HOO!!!  

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