
Why in the philipines the people always stare at you?

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im a 15 year old from usa .i walk around the street and almost everyone looks at me mostly girls some smile some wave even the g*y people here always look at me and smile ,I DONT GET IT ive been told by people that im handsome and one random boy on the street said i was handsome, but i dont get it here some people call me ugly and some girls dont like me..........but there its said if i went to school over there i would be really popular and have girls chase after me...




  1. people in the philippines stare at a person when:

    - the person looks stupid

    - the person looks funny

    - the person looks horrible

    - the person is picking his nose

    - the person is walking nude (taong grasa)

    - the person is extremely ugly

    take your pick...

  2. I am in the Philippines right now, and I agree with Purple Tactics.

    I am an exception, however. :)

  3. You're probably taller and whiter than most Filipinos.   So why are you surprised that you stand out and people stare???

    The girls smile and like you because Filipinas think Americans are rich.

  4.         Hey I am a Filipino and I also do it at other foreigners

           specially at Americans like you because we workship

           them and they give us the feeling of happiness at being the

           Americans visited the Philippines. I am happy for you that

           you are at the Philippines, enjoy your life here and be happy

           And I respect you as I respect my country.

                             MABUHAY!!!!!!!!!!!! AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!

            And hey I think your handsome not ugly because your

            the one of the Filipinos now. Enjoy staying!


  5. Maybe they stare at you because you are a foreigner. You may ask them too if there is something wrong. I've also experienced it when I was in our province. I just ignored it. =)

  6. Well you don't have to be american to be stared at ya?

    When I in the Philippines I also got stared at. I am Singaporean but my race is Chinese so I do look fairer then filipinos..

    Got stared at, got asked am i japanese, Koreans bla bla bla...

    Well nothing much anyway, just Filipinos are friendly people but just be cautious to be safe as we are foreigners in a foreign country.

    Oh regarding filipinos worship anything foreign? I do not find that its true anyway... They have their own culture and they are proud of it.  

  7. I know what you mean.

    Well, it's partially due to the fact that SOME filipinos seem to worship anything foreign.

  8. It's probably because you're a foreigner.  And anything foreign here is a big deal. So...get used to it.  

  9. Its a cultural difference.  1st of all your like a rock star in Philippines because your American, and probably not a bad looking guy.  2nd, they see nothing wrong with staring, pointing, whispering, etc in Philippines whereas, that might get you shot in USA, depending on what city your in. I had a heightened sensitivity to those things when I first went there but as I learned more about the people and they see me more often, their just regular folks now.  Now when some girl is staring and whispering it means that SHE is the new one on the block.

  10. Ya oooooookkkkk...Sorry I think your conceded and trying to fish for compliments. Why would you even ask a question on "why is everyone staring at me and they keep say I'm handsome". First off if they said your handsome then why ask the question if you already know the answer? OMG that is so obvious you want compliments on why. Get off your high horse already. Also I don't know why people ask this question when they won't even post a picture of themselves(not that I want to see your face either because I can care less but it only makes sense on this type of question). If they do post a picture we can clarify it for you and then we'll tell you why.

  11. Because your different. Thats it really.  

  12. You are totally different from us filipinos. You are whiteand we are brown in color, you have blue eyes and we have black, you have gold hair yet we have black

  13. well personally,

    i would only stare at somebody who stands out of the crowd.

    but that doesn't mean that i have a thing for that person.

    it's just that, i find it fun starring at interesting people

    --though i admit that some might find it (very) rude.

    probably, you look quite different from the other native filipino..

    (you said you're from america.. but you did not state anything about your blood line -- it's either you're <1> a filipino kid who grew up in states, or <2> a pure american who just went to the philippines for vacation or what)

    so they got curious.

    it's possible that they're saying this at the back of their minds:

    "oh, so this is how an american kid looks like" --or something.

    it can't be helped. maybe they think you're cool.

  14. *sigh* why do people have to be mean?? i'm a filipina, and i don't think that there are not so many cute guys here. we have many. Pinoys just stare at you coz, well, let's just say we're friendly. we're just curious. you stand among the crowd, you see.:) don't take it too seriously. it's a positive thing when people stare at you. don't you feel special? haha, have a nice stay.:)

    oh, and if you have any more questions, feel free to leave a message.:)

  15. they probably stare because you're from a foreign country and look different from the rest. and there arent a lot of mixed/good looking people (in the philippines, that is).

    whoever said that ud be really popular is right.. if you go to a normal private school. unless you go to an international school where you'll fit right in.

  16. That you should be so lucky!

    No one stares at me when am in the Philippines.  If anything, they all walk through as though I was a piece of furniture.

    May your luck rub off on me.  And may the blessing of independence, liberty, justice, equality, etc. etc. be with us all, forever and ever. Amen.

  17. I don't agree with most of the answers here. But ~~~ breaking this down, you get stared at by:

    100% Babies

    30 % women

    5 % men

    And - my wife keeps getting asked if I have a brother [and I'm an old geezer].

    BUT I believe that it's all because we look different because we are foreigners.

  18. 1) those gals are prostitute wanting for your business.

    2) those g*y want to have a bang with you

    3)becareful of stranger talking to you becos they want to test your confident then they rob you.

    4)those girls are decent types that don't like you.

    lastly , please stop dreaming......

  19. haha not all. you might be strange looking or suspicious looking..just kidding.

  20. they never seen such beauty before.

  21. maybe because you look handsome.. ??

    and having a foreigner around here is pretty much a big deal.. and yeah, BENSON is really wrong..

  22. hmm.. don't underestimate Filipinos. they are nice and great people.

    they stare at u because you're a foreigner. foreigners are rare in the philippines esp. americans like u...

  23. because gwapo guys are scarce here... some cute ones have come out. sad.

  24. its because its refreshing to see a white amongst the brown.  

  25. Because you look different from them (white skinned, etc).

  26. You're probably that interesting and you stand out in a crowd.

    It could be your fashion sense, your hair style, hair color, your demeanor, your accent. Its easy to shock or get people's attention here. Generally pinoys are not fashion risk takers, they don't like to be poked fun at by their fellow pinoys. Pinoys like to give the head-to-toe stare in general and try to assess you. But all of this happens like a reflex for some people, it can simply mean they are just curious or fascinated or appalled by you =)

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