
Why in the world do people fight??????

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I never understood why people fight. Why fight about something in which could be worked out some other way besides physically. I don't have urges to fight and I never had. I would just like to know what the f*ck people think when they threaten to kick people's a.sses & such. Is it cause they THINK they're all "big and bad"?? It's nothing but immaturity. I just don't get why people would want to cause other people AND THEMSELVES, pain. Please let me know!




  1. Combat, or fighting, is purposeful violent conflict intended to establish dominance over the opposition.

    The term "combat" (French for fight) typically refers to armed conflict between military forces in warfare, whereas the more general term "fighting" can refer to any violent conflict, including boxing and wrestling matches, or street fighting. Combat violence can be unilateral, whereas fighting implies at least a defensive reaction. However, the terms are often used synonymously.

  2. They just have anger issues. That's all.

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