
Why in the world does anyone get up so early?

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Contemplative Morning

by C.S. Scotkin

Dawn whispers, softest gold

new wakened dreams unfold

day’s story yet untold.

East sky a paler blue

soft, sheer, a gentle hue

paints day and all is new.

Will nature hear my heart?

My gratitude impart

for this day’s brilliant start.




  1. 3:30am here and have been up for an hour. These words sing well, sky still dark here, I will imagine with yours.

  2. so that's what i've been missing all this time!! heheheh! love this is a beautiful piece of work...thank you.

  3. My favorite time of the day.  The dawn holds so much promise.  Your poem expresses this lovely outlook.  

  4. Lovely.

    I got up to Jasper and Molly (grey cat, black cat) meowwling for breakfast while the sky was temporarily out of order.

    You cheered me up, thank you.

  5. for exactly this CS

  6. To read lovely words as these.

  7. Early morning is my favorite time...when the sun is just peeking up over the horizon, the air is calm, and the world is quiet. This is a beautiful poem.

  8. Dawn? Isn't just past 4 AM in Florida? Are you in an alternate Universe?

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