
Why in the world does he want to have s*x with me?

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My guy friend for some reason will not leave me alone about having s*x with me. It is not just that he wants me to kiss him and other things with him too. The thing is I like him but I don't want to do all of that with him because he is my best friend. So what do I do so he will stop asking me to do these things with him?




  1. say your g*y



    or just tell him NO!

  2. males have a strong s*x drive

    they can get turned on in even a Health class

    he may be more attracted to your looks than personality

    if you flirt a lot that might be another sign

  3. No means no, if he dosen't stop then end the freindship as he obviously dosen't care that much about you

  4. just tell him his comments are putting pressure on you and you care for him as a friend and if he wants to stay friends he has to stop it or it could ruin your relationship

  5. He wants to have s*x with you because he likes you and presumably finds you attractive and because most men --especially young ones --are horn-dogs :-)

    Get a boyfriend (or a girlfriend, as the case may be) and make it clear that you're only sexually interested in him/her, NOT with your guy friend.  Or tell your persistent guy friend that you just don't think of him that way at all, and that if he doesn't stop pressuring you for s*x, you're not going to talk to him anymore.  Then stick to your guns about it.

  6. Hi,

    As a guy I can say that there are four reasons why guys end up being friends with females.

    1. A safe way to get close to you without being shot do as a means to get into your pants

    2. He becomes your friend accidently and actually cares but falls for you.

    3.He actually wants to be your friend but in the process becomes attracted to you and fantasizes about having s*x with you.

    4.He's g*y and gets along well with females or hes g*y and wants other people to think he likes women so he befriends you.

    In any of the above cases no matter what the circumstance a male given he spends enough time with you WILL BECOME ATTRACTED TO YOU!!! As a man I do feel for women sometimes because a lot of the things we do cause you to feel certain ways (i.e. used). I want you to know that it is not always like that, sometimes a man is very genuine but no matter how nice he is or his good intentions at the end of the day he is still a man. s*x for us is like being hungry or feeling sleepy. Its feeling that is fated to come during the course of the day. If we really like a girl most times we'll push that feeling off or try to ignore it for as long as possible so we dont scare you away or make you feel uncomfortable but eventually it wins.

    I've a lot of female friends but I found a way to show my attraction for them but at the same time not push my feelings on to them. Every now and then I'll flirt with them and they think I'm joking but I'm not. They catch me staring and I'll make up something like...I'll comment on teh jeans they're wearing or something like that. My whole relationship with them is based off great saves. Eventually I know I'm either gonna have to drop them as friends, especially if they have a boyfriend or I'm gonna have to express my feelings but I dont want to lose them because I really care about them so for now I pretend not to stare and lie about why I do certain things like kiss or hug.

  7. cause he wants to get into your pants.tell him to stop with the please have s*x with me talk or find a new friend.

    edit: blah i hate typing on the darn ipod.

  8. Well since I was a ladies firearms instructor I never had that problem, I guess because I would pull out my .357 mag and point it at the person that is harassing me and say go away! And they tend to listen for some strange reason? Tell him flat out no! And No! Means No! If he's not willing to let things drop it's sexually harassment and he could go to jail if he doesn't stop! Which BTW is something else you should probably tell him?  

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