
Why in the world is everyone so?

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Why is everyone so mean to me?

All I want to do is make my fiance happy. Isn't that what being in a relationship means? Why is it when I ask for suggestions everyone gets on my case?

I want my fiance's ex and I to become friends that is it. It will make him happy to do so and also me because we should be one big happy family.

Now can I please have some ideas on how to make her like me?




  1. Why is your avatar's face so jacked up?

    Tell him to stop sleeping with her, then maybe she will stop being so mean to you.

  2. have you ever considered the possibility that the ex doesn't want to be friends with you?  leave the gal alone and move on.  get a life.  better yet, get your own life.

  3. every human is different

    may be you are more humble

  4. I think that plenty of intelligent, level minded people have already offered you several very good suggestions over the course of time that you have repeatedly asked about this situation on Y!A.  At this point, if none of them have worked it is unlikely that you and your boyfriend's ex will be friends.  You can want it all you like, but she is under no obligation to play along.  If your boyfriend is placing this as a stipulation for the two of you to be together (as you've stated), I think you should begin to reevaluate where the problem lies here.  Your boyfriend shouldn't put this expectation and responsibility squarely on your shoulders.  He should either realize that is isn't going to happen or he can try to make it all work himself.  If you truly believe that you should still be on this ridiculous mission, I think you should seek professional help.  It's just not normal or healthy and it's certainly not worth risking landing yourself in jail as a stalker.  It's time to tell the boyfriend to step up and handle things or dump his insane butt.  You are, after all, a "Hot Girl" so finding another man shouldn't be a problem for you.  Stop being so insecure and needy.

  5. People are mean to you because you're obsessive & not very bright.  You were on here last night asking the same thing when I went to sleep.  Now I just log on in the morning & HERE YOU ARE AGAIN.

    For the LAST time . . . the woman is throwing things at you!!  She's following you around cussing at you on the street!!  Does that sound like someone who wants to be FRIENDS?  Noooooooo.  And if your husband is the one demanding that you find a way to be friends with her then he is an idiot.  And your wording is so ridiculous that you must be a TROLL.  You want to have a dinner in her HONOR?  Who says that?  The last person I want to throw a party for is someone who screams & throws things at me.

    So you really want to know how to get her to like you?  I don't know.  Sedate her?  Shoot her with a tranquilizer gun & plop her down at your table?  What the h**l?

  6. How many times have you asked this question? Why on earth do you want to stay with a man who allows his ex to disrespect you and your baby?Let the air out of her tires, curse her, key her car, throw things at her and follow her around town calling her names. You're one big crazy family, embrace it, join in, have some fun and laughs.

  7. sweetheart, people have followed your questions throughout the past month or so and we realize that you are in a bad situation.  if you really look at some of the answers they are trying to get you to open your eyes and get a better life for yourself, your "fiance" is not a good person and you don't want to believe it.  there are always going to be people that say "mean" things, and I think you the type of person that wont accept anything unless it is something you want to hear because you seem to really really want to be with this person even though he is bad for you.  in answer to your question, i don't know how you can be friends with his ex, you took him from her, but, as in any relationship you must build things stone upon stone. respect her space, speak to her cordially and maybe do a few nice things for her, although i doubt that will work as you did take her husband.  good luck to you and i truly hope you wake up one day and realize what a bad situation you are in and GET OUT.

  8. You can't make anyone like you, and truly, it's better not to pursue that avenue. There is nothing wrong with being cordial and polite, but she may not desire (a probably doesn't) a friendship with you. Depending on their breakup, seeing you may be rubbing salt in her wounds, even if you are a kind person. I think trying to befriend her is playing with fire.

  9. You are still at this?  I thought you found some really good answers yesterday.  You asked this about 3 times that I know of.  You even chose me as the best answer.  You need to stop what you are doing and take a long hard look at the situation.  You are in a loose loose situation.  No matter what you try to do, it will backfire on you.  I understand the importance of making him happy, but he is asking way too much of you and is being cruel.  Seems like he wants her to remain in his life as more than just his child's mother.  Get a back bone and let him have it with both barrels.  He is not doing right by you at all.  He is supposed to be protecting you and he is not.

    Think about this in another way.  This might be a ploy to keep the drama going and they are sitting back laughing to see when you are going to snap.  They may be in conspiracy about this whole thing against you.  In other words, playing one serious cruel game on you.

    Get out before you two get married.  He is not worth it.

    Like I said yesterday.  A man who makes you cry is not worth it.  One that is will not make you cry.

  10. just be nice and kind to her, never get infuriated at her no mater how hard she tries, at the end of the day she shd come around, and oh tell fiance to try talking to her for  you, good luck!

  11. Hey Hot Girl,

    Please tell your Beloved that there are stalking laws in effect and -unless he cares to visit you in jail - he must take matters in his own hands to see his son.

    Remember - we do not want to see you on the Today show behind bars, sporting a striped suit saying "I only wanted her to eat the dinner I prepared and be my friend...."

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