
Why in the world would a women be so mad when I am doing exactly what she asked?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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OK here is the story, my ex has two kids from a prior unmarried marriage. When they split up he took there son for most of the time and she took there daughter. When I met her she only had her daughter with her and really didn't have much to do with her son (I know It should have been obvious then). Any way we dated for about two years got married and had a son of our own. I got a job transfer and we ended up moving, it was a tough decision but we had to in order to put food on the table. Now two years latter, she lites into me and demands that we move back home, so she could be close to her son, so I put out my resume and that wasn't enough for her so she filed for divorce. We are just about finished with the divorce and all of a sudden I have a job opportunity back home. She tells me I can not take it and I am taking our son away from her, along with a few other choice words for me. OK I know in her eye's I can not do much right, but why in the h**l would she be pissed about this?!?!




  1. She was dropped on her head as a child, wasn't she?  Seriously, she sounds whacked.  Just make sure that you hire a very good attorney so you aren't deprived of your parental rights with your son.  Try to be as civil as possible for the sake of your son.  Just tell her that you don't wish to discuss anything with her if it doesn't have anything to do with the child.  She's toxic and will try to make waves no matter what.  Don't let her.

  2. there is obviously more wrong with your relationship than the kids. until you figure out what it is you cant even try to fix it.

  3. Uhg.  Either there is more to this story or this woman is nuts. I don't know what to say but sounds like you have a h**l of a time ahead of you.  Good luck!!

  4. Sounds like you married a card-carrying psychopath. Run, man. Run.

  5. i thinks she's POd at herself.

    didja try counseling before agreeing to a divorce?

  6. She is crazy and you should have suspected something when she let her ex keep her boy. Go get that job if you want it and then sue her for divorce and custody of your son.

  7. Your asking us to explain a WOMAN for crying out loud . IMPOSSIBLE!!

  8. Sorry, don't have an answer to why she is so mad. Take your son and make a home for him and be thankful that you are young enough to find someone who will treat you with the respect that you deserve.

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