
Why in undeveloped countries people suffer of poorness and under nutrition?

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Why in undeveloped countries people suffer of poorness and under nutrition?




  1. ahh the eternal question. No jobs, no food, governments that either exploit the people or ignore them. This is why many illegal immigrants that suffer so much to come to the United States, not just from Mexico but from even worse off countries like Honduras and Guatemala. Look at all we have around us, almost all of us know that we will have food to eat today, a place to sleep tonight. And for the people in the US that are poor, they receive much help from the government. They may not have a permanent home, but they have shelter, food, and water, something that millions of others around the world would dream to have. Poverty breeds poverty.

  2. Lack of money and food.

  3. Lack of democracy, corruption, illnesses and ignorance. A dictator leader will care only about how he can stay in authority for as long as possible. He will spend the national income of his country on policemen and guards to protect his regimen. He will choose the minsters and other people in authority on the basis on their loyalty to him, not their efficiency. Little money are left for education and health.

  4. Because the heads of these poverty stricken nations are selfish insensitive despots.  who have an interest only in increasing their personal wealth.  Because international law prevents, morally, unsolicited intervention by other contributing nations, unless it increases the personal profits of the heads of the nations.  Many more fortunate nations have been trying to provide nutritional and medical succor, but most of these efforts are taken by the despots, then sold to other nations, at a lesser price that the global markets represents.  It's a frustrating conundrum.

  5. Quick answer, Capitalism = greed and corruption. It is a system than is doomed to fail. Karl Marx wrote about it. We are now seeing what he predicted occurring.

    What economic system will replace it is not clear at this point in time.

    I would hope that a Technocracy, will evolve.

  6. Lack of money, food, technology, education, overpopulation, disease, famine....

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