
Why india becoming day by day too worse?

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Why india becoming day by day too worse?




  1. india is grwing tyats why

  2. You don't have to like them, but you have to accept the fact that they are a super power in Cricket (administratively and financially, they have a way to go before they can claim that to be on the field as well)

    Also depends on your definition of worse, what are you getting at? If you mean by creating cricket leagues of their own, isn't it something the ECB has already done many many years ago, even the T20 was invented in England, India took the idea and ran away with it...Dean Jones, once said that Cricket is like baking cookies, anyone can bake them and eat them, there are no proprietary rights!

  3. India was the BEST, is the BEST and will remain the BEST! It's just that players like Bhajji should learn to controll themselves!

  4. I don't know, i'm not indian. But i think its becuz of poverty and lack of health care, etc. The population is toooooo much aswell

  5. Inidia is becoming fresh and fresh day by day not as u have mentioned.

    people say our populatio is a problem  but  in a way it brings freshness to society  and our growing impact on world economy is evident.

    This realisation of power and money  is making us expressive and it is something world and we had never seen.

    so it might be a moment feeling but it is not for all the time.

  6. There are too many people living there and not much to support every living person.

  7. "India needs a dictator like me, who will make second child illegal and any one breaking the law includin muslims shall be deprived of basic amenities for the second child and further"

    Is this what Ghandi created?

    I disagree with this fellow brother of Gujarat, India.

    He must accept Allah on his hands & show intergity & respect for Jai Hind India & all South Asian nations.

  8. This is your wrong thinking India was not worse, is not now worse & will not become worse. Respect nation. due to some people you cannot say whole nation is worse.

  9. I'm proud to be an INDIAN.

    INDIA has grown from strength to strength and come a long way.

    NO one in IT.

    Strong Economy.

    A super power in making.

    A mother of billion children.

    A Great Nation.

    A few if and buts cannot make INDIA worse so better change your view and what you see is mirror and not INDIA.

  10. Heard a lot about india shinning, india booming but all that is bull ****. In a country where you dont even have adequate supply of electricity and water for even 12 hours continously and where crime is a daily routine and that too in the capital of the country has to be rated poorly.

  11. In India there are so many problems on which our politicians aren't concentrated that's why our India is becoming worse day by day.So wake up all youngsters and do something about India.

  12. I'm a Srilankan, and i totally disagree with what you think.

    India isn't a worse country, it's a developing country.

  13. 1 reason, players like Harbhijan Singh are giving them a bad name...

  14. You don't have to like them, but you have to accept the fact that they are a super power in Cricket (administratively and financially, they have a way to go before they can claim that to be on the field as well)

    Also depends on your definition of worse, what are you getting at? If you mean by creating cricket leagues of their own, isn't it something the ECB has already done many many years ago, even the T20 was invented in England, India took the idea and ran away with it...Dean Jones, once said that Cricket is like baking cookies, anyone can bake them and eat them, there are no proprietary rights!

    19 minutes ago

  15. What a c**p question…..LOL,

    Are you out of your brain if not than seems like you are ABCD (Indian born Confuse Desi).

    day by day India is growing like anything. Did you ever check the top 10 richest people of the world..? You will see more Indian than any other country.

    IPL & ICL is earning money from Indian audience and that’s how it will be a mega hit.

    Now regarding population just read few stuff on “origin of earth” and you will learn that who ever is powerful will survive regardless if you have 5 kids or 1. All of them have to fight for survivable and we Indian are so SMART on that. Our population is our STRENGHT!!!

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