
Why india is not consider as a permanent member of security council?

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  1. India was offered a seat in Security Council but Jawaharlal Nehru declined the United States offer for India to occupy a permanent seat in favor of china

    India missed it and difficult to get it now.

  2. simple. as indians we never command respect simply because we never behave ourselves responsibily

  3. India was not one of the first five countries to obtain nuclear weapons.

  4. Because despite it's size and population, it is still a 3rd world 'developing' nation.  Furthermore, any memeber of the security council must posess enough military power to contribute significantly to any security operation.  India would barely be able to do that.

  5. Well there is coffee club (China and Pakistan) which opposess India's induction into the Sec.council. Also, there are other big countries yearning for that spot (Brazil and South America), which have to be included if India does!

  6. My question  is not answered, by the readers, only, not by UNO, since about two months, back!

  7. India is seen by USA as a country of hypocrites, and an unreliable partner  who still supports the brain dead non-aligned movement. US is the only super power on the planet earth today, however ugly the American is.On the other hand, the number 2 super power China hates our guts.They rather see India become a part of China in their scheme of things. They are already achieving this piece by piece, the latest being parts of Arunachal Pradesh.Therefore, we are in neither camp and completely isolated.Our foreign policy strategists react rather than act There is no chance of our getting in to the security council unless we shed our Lone-ranger disguise in this bipolar world.

  8. its not possible ,becoz it may be danjoures for cecuriti point.& if it happend it will distroy our community .& safty.

  9. The selfish polticians are busy to collect the money and deposit in foreign account.They don't have the ability to push forward their claim.

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