
Why india is not using nuclear power as energy resource?

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Why india is not using nuclear power as energy resource?




  1. Hiiiii,

    Because we are scared of nuclear energy.Besides having many advantages we r scared of reactions and blah blah.

    Politicians dont want our country to grow as if people become more mature and educated, their chances of making money goes less.


  2. they are, one of the problems they have is that they have not singed the non proliferation treaty. so most countries wont sell them uranium. so they ill have to rely on internal resources.

  3. lack of uranium

    not being a signer of the nuclear non proliferation treaty.

    they have a lot of thorium and will have to use a different type reactor system then other countries

    plus there is a lot of safety problems with the design of there reactors.

    Russia has been helpful to them in there reactor program.

    but we all know what Russian reactors are like.

    does Chernobyl mean anything

    this leads countries like the US into being less then being helpful until they clean up all the problems

  4. the rectors and containment facilities are risky, moreover the power output is not sufficient with regards to the investment required. also radiation hazards are the top most risks since another hiroshima or chernobyl case cant happen in india. finally the fuel and reactors if used for puposes other than power generation (pilfering or illegal theft of fuel) can lead to dyre concequences.

  5. To run a nuclear power plant  we need Uranium , and the Uranium resources are very much limited in India and also the technology needed for the construction of the reactors is also important.

    hence India is looking forward for the Nuclear Deal with USA which allows it to purchase Nuclear fuel from several nations.

  6. They have not had the uranium enrichment capacity nor the reactor technology.  Until about a year ago.

    Bush signed a deal with India that would allow the US to give them enriched uranium and nuclear reactors, so it's only a matter of a few years until India will have a few shiny new pebble-bed reactors.

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