
Why is 23 degrees celsius important to water?

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My Son has a school question which states about a test tube originally full of ice which is placed in a warm room and the question is why does the water stop changing temperature at 23C. I believe its because the surrounding room temperature has been maximised as a heat source. I had to put question in case i am wrong. thank you




  1. It would only stop changing temperature at 23C IF that's the temp of the room, so I would agree with your answer.

  2. That must be the temperature of the room. When the ice reaches room temperature, it quits changing.

  3. According to the second law of thermodynamics, heat flows form reletivly warm to relativly cold. Heat will flow from the warm room to the cold test tube until it cannot flow any more (temperatures between them become equal).  That is when the warm room and the warm test tube are at the same temperature.

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