
Why is 5 de Mayo a big celebration in the border US states and not here in Mexico? in Mexico it's not a day of

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In Mexico 5 de Mayo Batalla de puebla(battle of Puebla) is just observed and It's not a day off from work or school. Why so much fuss as if it were 16th september Mexican independence day? I just don't get it.




  1. it gives us americans another reason to drink!!! lol

    would have celebrated if i wasn't sick

  2. mm i was in school in mexico and i got that day off, anyway i guess is what others said its like st patricks day

  3. Yesterday was a holiday - I couldn't pay my bills.  

    Also the beach was crowded due to the 4 day weekend

  4. it is big in the US because every business sees it as a perfect time to advertise

  5. Its probably because a lot of people think its our "4th of july"

    and ppl that celebrate it dont even know why they

  6. Crazy gringos liked that day???

  7. This is sorta like the St. Patrick's day thing for the Irish.  If we Americans can think of a way to make some money off anything that ever happened, we will.

    Happy Cinco de Mayo

    Happy st. Patrick's day

    Happy Mardi Gras

    Happy Chinese New year

    Happy New Year

    Happy Birthday

    Happy fourth of July

    We are one bunch of happy Muthas.

  8. Well the reason now is MARKETING focus in the Mexican community,

    but here is a fact that almost no body knows

    The big Hero in that battle was General Zaragoza, who was in charge in that  5th of May .....he was born in Texas.....

  9. Clever advertising and marketing on the part of Cuervo tequila. Vodka and whiskey were the top sellers in the 50s and 60s when Cuervo introduced aggressive advertising in college and alternative newspapers. How 5 de Mayo was chosen is a curiosity. Many foreigners believe it is Independence Day. Big promotions in bars and restaurants. Colorful point of sale pieces in liquor stores and groceries. Seldom celebrated in Mexico except in lower schools as a decisive battle with the French oppressors. Cuervo is the number one brand of Tequila in the world. Something worked.

  10. I'm mexican living in Mexico.

    In Mexico is a celebration of proud of our heros in the battle of Puebla agaist the fench army.

    In the USA this day is a celebration of the mexicanity.

    Happy 5 de Mayo!

    Hermano ¿Qué importa si celebran diferente en EUA? Lo improtante es que este día sirve para celebrar nuestra mexicanidad. Yo vivo en el DF y en mi casa brindamos con tequila este día y estamos muy orgullosos de nuestros heroes de Puebla.

  11. I actually heard two different radio stations discuss this yesterday, one American and the other from Guadalajara, Mexico. Metropoli (MX) was wondering why does the US observe it and the conclusion was that businesses encouraged it as a way to create business, sales. Which is true in my experience because most people I know, Hispanics included here have no idea what it celebrates, some only know it's a battle somewhere. The American radio jockey researched it but was not aware it's not really celebrated in Mexico.

  12. El Cinco de Mayo is celebrated by all Mexicans everywhere and is not  as important to them as the 4th of July is to all Americans.

    It began as a small celebration confined to Puebla and grew to is current status

    Vive Mexico

    Who ever told you that cinco de Mayo is not celebrated in Mexico had no idea what he was talking about search May 5th in Mexico

  13. On May 5th 1862 the Mexican army won a battle against the French army (who had just an invassion due to external debt payments failure) in the outskirts of the city of Puebla. It is remarkable because at that time, the french army was considered to be the best in the world. A month later with a better prepared french army striked back until June 1863 when the capital was occupied. The second mexican empire was established and headed by Maximilian of Habsburg. In 1867 the french occupation was defeated and the emperor executed. President Juarez returned to office.

    President Juarez proclamated that the country achieved its "second independence", this was spread throughout the world.

    Outside of Mexico, the Battle of Puebla is considered an important breakthrough, because of the poor underpayed army winning over the world's number one army.

    The day is celebrated with parades and representation of the battle throughout the country (although it is not a public holiday anyway)

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