
Why is 98% of Antarctica EXPANDING?

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Can the Ice shelf that broke off be linked to AGW? It can definetly be linked to GW.




  1. Because it is fall at the South Pole, and the ice *should* be expanding?

  2. Where did you come up with that number?    Its news to me.

  3. Expanding must be a new idea for a lot of people

    and almost 100%,would mean it is doubling in size

    I am no expert ,but i know that that is totally wrong

    I though GW was AGW with the A missing is it not the same thing.

    if ice is falling off Antarctica .it means the place is shrinking ,there is ice 2 kilometers high they say in places

    And it is reasonable to assume it can be due to warming of the globe.for what ever reason .

    Ice is always falling of the poles

    But they say it is now faster and more than before

    Antarctica is supposed to be the growing pole

    and The north pole the one that is dying

    If both are dying ,better get some wellingtons if you live near the coast

  4. The very 'earth observatory' link you posted is your answer it shows the oceans all around Antarctica warming (red) evaporation of these causes the snow fall in Antarctica. Although deniers are trying to pass it off as changing the theory, this was predicted as part of the possible outcome of GW 10 years ago. It should also be noted that like all glaciers Antarctic glaciers flow like water but at a much reduced rate depending on the weight bearing down, increase the weight and you increase the flow.

    It should also be said that Antarctica is classed as a desert (a very cold one) that means little precipitation (snow) in summer snow melts faster than ice producing more liquid water which carves through ice far faster than warm air more snow means more melt and is probably the cause of the latest large burg.

  5. Yes, it never ceases to amaze me how underhand some people are about Antarctica.

    Why do we only hear about this melting Antarctic ice in the winter (Northern Hemisphere), I wonder?

    At the beginning of last year for example, UK TV channel ITV hosted an entire week’s worth of the main evening news programme from Antarctica. In every single show the presenter stood in a boat floating a short distance from the ice and said “Look, LOOK!” as yet another chunk of ice calved off into the sea. Inevitably, global warming was blamed.

    Not once, during the entire week’s worth of shows, did they mention the minor detail that, since it was the height of winter in the UK, (in the Northern Hemisphere) it was, therefore, the height of *summer* in Antarctica (in the Southern Hemisphere). So, *of course* the ice was melting. It does it every summer (and has *always* done so).

    Why is it that these people who go on about Antarctica melting never mention what the IPCC themselves say about it?

    Have a look for yourselves…

    Scroll down to the bottom of page 6 and the penultimate paragraph reads…

    “Antarctic sea ice extent continues to show inter-annual variability and localized changes but NO STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT AVERAGE TRENDS, consistent with the LACK OF WARMING reflected in atmospheric temperatures averaged across the region.”

    (My emphasis, of course)

    So Antarctica simply *is not* melting.

    Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting that this one fact disproves the entire Global Warming idea, but this “scam” (for want of a better word), and many others like it, are why I’m a sceptic.

    I don’t know about you, but when I find out that I’m being lied to, I tend to be just a little bit dubious.

    As ever with Global Warming: Don't believe the hype.

  6. It's Al Gore with his anti-Man Bear Pig Freeze-O-Beam!

    Come on people, the Earth has been doing this for eons. More drastically sometimes. Que discussion on the mini ice age of the middle ages that ended Nordic (AKA Viking) expansionism.

    Oh, and just on a side note; THAT WAS CAUSED BY GLOBAL WARMING!

    Indeed, advanced warming will eventually lead to cooling. This happened during the middle ages. The middle ages...Before fossil fuel...Before SUV's...Before Republicans for you Democrats. HUMANS....DO NOT.....CAUSE.....GLOBALLLLL!!!!....WARM... AARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The End....

  7. No, it could be entirely natural.  Snow builds up in the centre of the continent and flows to the edge.  Ice bergs have been breaking off for millions of years.

    Much larger iceblocks have broken off in the past, but it's been a slow news year for global warming with last years temperatures droping precipitously, the researchers don't want to talk about temperatures this year.

  8. it's due to a volcano underneath it

  9. The melting ice caps can cause expansion, but 98% seems to be an inaccurate number.

  10. I didn't know it was. But some places of antarctica are increasing in ice because warmer surrounding ocean waters create more precipitation, and since it's always below freezing there, any precipitation is snow/ice.

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