
Why is AL Gore so convinced of the existence of ManBearPig?

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Why is AL Gore so convinced of the existence of ManBearPig?




  1. Couldn't get a date? Nothing better to do? What a waste of a question.

  2. he isnt

  3. hes been looking in the mirror when he came out the shower

  4. It's hard to caricature a man whose real life so closely approaches satire. South Park should get a Nobel prize for their effort.

  5. been watching too much southpark?

  6. ManBearPig doesn't exist, just like Man made Global Warming doesn't exist.

  7. His therapist told him to set a goal in life after his defeat...and because many people are drugged for some deficit disorder or another it's easy for him to find followers...I just hope their comet comes soon..or they make his favorite kool aid in kegs.

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