
Why is AMerica getting left behind??

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AMerica now follows the world in technology and does not lead anymore. Cell Phones in japan and europe are years ahead of America as are cars and digital TV.

I know the economy is bad but why are we left behind. Look at the olympics and Dubai . America hasnt had anything new for year. Amazing building we built in the 60 thru 80 are getting old.. Vegas even looks dated anyone seen the circus circus building recently it looks like it was built in the 70's along with trasure island.. Nothing is new and advanced anymore Shouldnt the Americans be leading..?




  1. japan keeps beating us to the punch thats why.  

  2. Maybe they are too lazy and too obsessed with stuff like pro sports, actors, singers and other stuff of no consequence.

    Maybe all they need is a new leader to show them how to get back on track.  They used to be really good before.

  3. When you talk about Vegas you talk about 2 building on the entire strip...

    That one street alone makes the majority of any place look bad (when talking about technology) but there might be a few exceptions outside the USA.

  4. American government hijacked by special interests who rob America of it's true potential to serve their own selfish interests and fill their greedy pockets.

  5. Who cares about how Vegas looks??? What matters is that our education sucks more than ever before....high college costs, schools needing refurbished, and our education system needs reformed. Our culture is awful and all we care about is reality TV and plus we work constantly and parents can't spend enough quality time with their kids.

  6. America is not popular internationally and it's been resting on its laurels for far too long. It's been decades since anyone abroad had any respect for the US, and yet the country is blind to this and still stamps its foot and screams that it's the best, like a 3-year-old child.

    Every dog has its day, but it's some one else's turn at the top now.

  7. The leaders in Washington and in business are leading us astray.  They are making decisions that are purposely ripping our country apart.  We need to take back our country by the reigns and make decisions that will HELP not hurt us. Like drilling for our own oil and imposing terriffs on imports, and lowering taxes on businesses to encourage domestic business growth.

  8. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that we have outsourced so many jobs to other countries...this takes money out of our country and into the country that is getting the jobs...yeah, it may be cheaper for corporations, but now in the long run it is hurting us economically -  while helping other countries.

  9. This is a very good question, but requires a very complicated answer.

    The quick and dirty answer is: Corporate greed (eg, Enron, Halliburton).

    The war in Iraq has bankrupted our country and used up our military ( God help us if we really get attacked {nuclear, not 9/11}).

    Yes, we should be leading as we did in WW2. We believe in individual greatness, not mass indoctrination and groupthink.

    And we should lay off all these religious squabbles. It's embarassing. Europeans think we're nuts: We preach separation of Church and State, and then carry on like the Spanish Inquisition.

    Keep on truckin'.

  10. American funds have been pouring out of the country via outsourcing and offshore manufacturing.

    Other nations are churning out hordes of IT and finance professionals that cater to global market demand.

    Over a billion screaming chinamen and indians are flooding every job market imaginable and sending money home.

    This has been happening for years.

    Were you in a cave for the last decade?

  11. "Shouldnt the Americans be leading..?"

    Erm, no.

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