
Why is Al Gore making stuff up (again)?

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We all know Al Gore invented the internet (good for him), but what exactly is the liberal agenda behind global warming? Statistics taken show that, while this generation has been warmer than the last few, it is still a generally cooler temperature then in previous centuries, at times when there were no Green House emissions, so it makes no sense that we cut back in the name of Global Warming, Global Cooling is more like it. AND, the big hurricane season that Al Gore (or substitute your own liberal environmental activist name if you'd prefer) is attributing to global warming is actually caused by COOLER temperatures than normal? Mister Expert should do the research. It continues to amaze me what people make up for what appears to be no good reason. More lives have been lost due to the cutting of Freon than global warming has even theoretically cause, thousands have starved in Africa because we are no longer allowed to use CFC chemicals to refrigerate food. Explain the logic to me.




  1. Forget Al Gore.  He has nothing to do with the science.

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    These Conservatives are annoyed at their colleagues who focus on Gore, and ignore the scientific facts.

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    For example, the National Academy of Sciences says it hasn't been this warm for thousands of years.

  2. I finally got to watch his movie.  Some great photography in the real parts.

    But it seemed, to me, he is trying to send us in the wrong direction.  He pointed to a small rise in CO2 on one of his charts and said, this is all that separated the world from having a mile of ice over our heads in the past.  Then he showed how we were moving AWAY from such a calamity and recommends we should move back TOWARD it.  He prefers an ice age to a couple degrees warming!!??

    He makes no sense at all.  None.

    Actually the very slight warming trend and the CO2 possibility were discovered and considered in the late 1940's..  This is in Donald Piston's book, "Meterology".  It deals with actual science and the physics of weather and climate and is a very credible resource.  CO2 was ruled out right off the bat for this reason:  There is enough water vapor to absorb all the re-radiated energy they are talking about, so....even if CO2 was zero, there would be NO difference.  Except that if we get CO2 to zero life on the planet won't be sustainable.

    Another thing I find strange is this:  All the recommendations to "cure" global warming were begun in the late 1950's and has been on track ever since.  It was done for other economic reasons but it was done, never the less.  In my small home town in New Hampshire we built a recycling center that needed no federal funds and paid its own way.  We had close to thirty catagories forr waste.  We separated, brown, green and clear glass, 4 or 5 types of plastics, newspaper, magazines, cardboard were all separated, wet garbage for composting,  the s***w on caps of milk jugs etc were separated, and old refrig could be dropped off for a minimal fee, metals were separtated into aluminum, steel and mixed, aluminum cans were by themselves.  This was a lot of work for the home and for the town and we had it going 40 years ago and it is still being done today.

    In the 1970's people tightened up their house at great expense to save fuel, people used bikes and scooters.

    If a miniscule drop in CO2 occurs in the near future it will be the result of projects like these that have been worked on for 50 years and NOT because of Mr Gore's movie.  But just as he took credit for the internet, I bet he will take credit for that also.  I guess timing is everything.  BTW the rudiments of the internet were designed and built in the late 1950's.

  3. And don't forget the hundreds of millions that have died from malaria because DDT was banned when it turns out it never caused any problems to wildlife at all.

    The answer is they have an agenda.  It's to downgrade prosperity for the general public while making the big-shot politicians more powerful and more protected.  It's no accident that these changes that are supposed to make our lives better simultaneously take away freedoms and rights very slowly.  As more and more become dependent on the government, those who work for a living and pay the bulk of the taxes no longer have any say-so in how things are run.

    I don't know what we can do anymore.  We keep losing freedoms and they give our enemies more freedoms. Like now the terrorists have the same legal freedoms as our own people.  Never before in our history have we given these rights to enemy combatants.

  4. Well, he wants to make a lot of money out of it. It also promotes a socialist agenda, so it's very political as well. You are absolutely right.

  5. You should ask him his aims (might or might not tell you the answer you want) - but really, even newspaper companies have different views on Al Gore

  6. Most people that deny global warming deny it because they're so rapped up in being a conservative republican that their could no other real purpose then a political gain.  What if it really does exist? Who are you to say that it doesnt exist?! So you know more then nasa scientists and reknowned climatoligists.  Whats wrong with caring about the environment and supporting a clean planet to live in.  Im sure you're also one of the people that writes angry rants on womens studies...

  7. "it is still a generally cooler temperature then in previous centuries, at times when there were no Green House emissions"

    Current temperature is the highest in 2000 years.

  8. Unless you can provide credible evidence to defend your statement that "it is still a generally cooler temperature than in previous centuries", some may conclude that you are actually the one "making stuff up".  My references below demonstrate that you are wrong.

    From the National Academy of Sciences review of Surface Temperature Reconstructions

    "It can be said with a high level of confidence that global mean surface temperature was higher during the last few decades of the 20th century than during any comparable period during the preceding four centuries."

    IPCC Climate Change 2007 - The Physical Science Basis FAQ

    “The late 20th century has been unusually warm. Palaeoclimatic reconstructions show that the second half of the 20th century was likely the warmest 50-year period in the Northern Hemisphere in the last 1300 years."

  9. It's about control of the masses and it starts with school.  Take young minds and fill them with junk.  In the old days you were taught to think and how to do so, how to make up your mind.  Now everything is done by how you "feel" it should be done.  

    With that, the politicians can put a scare into society, and everyone eats it up.  Then they look to the politicians for help and direction. When said politician answers, the people sigh with great relief because if a politician said it, it must be true.

    "Pay more taxes."


    "Pay more because your confort level is hurting the environment."


    "Do not have kids becuase they contribute to global warming / cooling / climate change or other ( insert current buzzword here  )

    and we bow down and say, "Yessir!"  

    But few question it.  Some get superstitious and ask if rain is caused by global warming.  These are the people politicians love the most, they are easily duped and taxed.   Others who question whether AGW is real are called names because they dare to think things through and remain skeptical.  

    Real polllution on the other hand goes unchecked and unnoticed, because you can't make money off litter.  "Carbon credits," now you just have to pay money and you can pollute the air all you want, meanwhile other freedoms you had have slipped out from under you and you quickly become an automoton in some government.  It will be like those sci-fi movies where your house is the size of a closet or coffin and there you go after your 16 hour shift of punching paper cards.  

    Don't let this happen.  Remain vigilant.

  10. Anyone who is focusing on how "warm" it is, is NOT a real scientist and either does not understand global warming or is deliberately attempting to mislead people like you.

    Atmospheric CO2 levels are 30% higher than the highest levels they have ever reached in the last half a million years. Google "Vostock Ice Core Data" and "Current or Recent Atmospheric CO2 levels" to see what real scientists have to say about atmospheric CO2 levels.

    Why is this important? CO2 prevents infrared light from leaving the earth trapping energy in the atmosphere. Natural amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere (between 240 and 340 ppm) keep the earth in its natural temperature range. But when man started digging up oil and coal and burning it on an industrial scale, we started increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. So much so, that now the level is over 380 ppm.

    Rush Limbaugh has never told the truth in his life.

  11. "For example, the National Academy of Sciences says it hasn't been this warm for thousands of years."

    Well.... there goes the last of the NAS' credibility!!!  What a ridiculous statement!

  12. If you made as much money off this lie as he did, you to would be Pro AGW.

  13. because back in the day scientists thought that we were contributing a far larger portion of greenhouse gases to the environment that is actually true so the populous got brainwashed and kept being brainwashed for the last twenty years then Al Gore realized he had an entire generation of people scared to death of something that was happening but we weren't causing so in other words no one would believe the disproving science because the best lies contain half truths. He then capitalized on this for his own monetary and political ambitions.

  14. Seriously, how much does it take to prove to people that global warming is real? The last 15 years have been the world's hottest, more people are using fossil fuels and not conserving energy, and the polar icecaps are melting. Hmmm... seems to me that Earth is getting warmer! How about we use less fossil fuels and conserve more energy? That would help. And by the way, global warming relocates climate (i.e., warmer places become cool, cooler places become warm.) Maybe YOU should do some more research. Al knows his facts, but you don't.

  15. Al Gore want's attention, plain and simple.

  16. The question is more can you actually prove via science that what Al Gore said is wrong? Rather than just calling him a liberal can you actually go at him with science?

    (note I am not a fan of Al Gore but for different reasons)

    Please I would love to hear a scientific response on the environment with actual scientific fact otherwise I suggest that maybe you do the research then post the rant

  17. he makes it all up and he seems that he knows all about it when he probably just gets it from wikipedia and then he transports himslef from state to state doing his presentations by a plane only for himself which pollutes the enviroment so much that its as bad as driving a hummer for a whole year

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