
Why is Alex Salmond prevaricating over the promised referendum on partition?

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The scots must be furious they were promised two referenda,one from Brown over the EU and one by Alex Salmond over partition and have been denied both.




  1. Hmmmm try here :

  2. SNP said the referendum would be in 2010 as the date is dictated  by " parliamentary procedures "..seems fair enough to me.

    So assuming that goes ahead then the people can have there say either way.

    Brown promised a referendum on Europe and it's now obvious that was just a scam and was/is never going to happen, but i'm not surprised as that's just what all politicians

    do for a living.

    There's only one constant factor as far as I can see no matter who's in charge and that is

    the cost of everything goes up except the wages to pay for it all !

  3. cos he'll lose he wants to wait til he can be sure of winning

    which wont happen in his lifetime

  4. Because despite all their hot air, people who want Independence are in a minority. Brown (on the EU) and Salmon arn't daft enough to start a referendum they know they'd lose.

  5. This Scot doesn't care about an EU referendum.  I think we should stay in, and don't think a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty could be conducted fairly due to the heavily anti-EU slant of most of this country's newspapers.

    Salmond is not prevaricating about an independence referendum, he's holding off until 2010 (as the SNP manifesto said they would) as this gives him and the SNP more time to highlight differences beween Scotland and Westminster and thus make it more likely for such a referendum to support independence.  Wendy Alexander (Scottish Labour leader) sees this which is why she's tried to bounce him into calling an earlier referendum.

  6. Gordon Brown has never promised any referendum on the EU unless something changes the constitution and that has not happened yet whatever you read in the Sun or Daily Mail. Alex Salmond knows he does not have the vote on what you call partition.

    As I understand it the leader of the Labour group has put down a motion to force Salmond into a referendum, hence; No vote!

  7. He is prevaricating because that is the Scots Nats. raison d etre...once he has had the referendum what is the use of the Nationalist party if he he will be waiting until he is certain he will get the victory.

  8. Because the pair of b*wbags would LOSE - simple, like those two.

  9. Stupid question. He's a politician. Why would he know what to do?

    By the way, the plural of referendum is referendums. Referenda relates to the actual questions within the referendums.

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