
Why is America disliked by so many peoples?

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I keep hearing the World hates America,why is this? I see people from many countries here, working,going to school.They must really think we are stupid,they down our country,but come here to prosper.




  1. Where to begin ?

    The only country ever to nuke people, and not satisfied with with the first bomb, so dropped a second one, "just to double check".

    Despite their very late entry into WW2, (thanks japan) america pillaged germany of all the best scientists (to make even more nasty weapons) robbed britain blind, (britain finished paying its WW2 debt to the US in 2006 !!!!), stealing the jet engine and loads of other technological wizadry invented by the british etc.

    Then theres giving the israelis half of palestine in 1947 and arming them to the teeth ever since, whilst actively helping to oppress the palestinian nation.



    Americas utter cowardice and duplicity in putting europe in the middle during the cold war.   Russia to america via europe is several thousand miles, russia to america across the baring straights to alaska is 20 miles.

    When Iran and Iraq were at war,america LOVED saddam hussein, gave him everything they could and armed his army.

    When Russia invaded Afghanistan, the CIA financed and trained a certain Osama bin Laden in insurgent guerilla warfare

    How many times has CIA financed rebel groups to overthrow government of south american countries that didnt toe the us line ?

    Despite Americas claimed War on Terror, the biggest terrorist organisation on the planet is the CIA, whose actions for decades echo the definitions of terrorist activity these days

    Despite the fact that 19 of the hijackers on 911 were Saudi, America charges into war with Iraq.

    Despite America total ignorance of international law in invading iraq the US think they stand on moral highground telling Russia that invading whichever Georgian province is morally unacceptable.

    America has a "history" and a "culture" of a mere couple of centuries, and thinks it has the wisdom to tell civilisations that have thousands of years of history and culture how they should live.

  2. It is because of the effect america has placed on the world. Like Hollywood and Walmart and Mcdonalds. They are all over now. This culture spread everywhere and took away many unike cultures. Now it is known as Western culture.

  3. Because you are big headed and have no respect for other countries (ie international law and the UN) and you are very violent ie. Iraq, Afghanistan. Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Panama, Nicaragua etc. all helpless weak countries.

    However, this is not so much directed at American people more your government. People love Hollywood - they're brainwashed by it.

  4. umm usually that is said from people overseas but i know what ur saying some who say that do come here but if someone really hated they wouldnt even come here. and its obvious why america is hated right now, because of the war and the policing around it does.

  5. Frankly speaking-->

    ts because of the Culture here. I am not saying that American culture is not good i like America the way i like my country.But i have heard in our country most of the time when some body crosses the culture's line oldies used to say words like this = " This is not America where you can do this ".

    In our country -> People under the age of 20 do not even touch the cigarettes and bear and even after that very few have them.

    --> Children do not leave their parents in their whole life.

    --> In our country there are many joint families ( at the most 20 persons in a single house ) but here i have not seen many joint families.

    There are various diffrences in the culture and i am not saying that we are right and Americans are wrong at their part . Its American culture and i respect each country's culture.

    I am only answreing your question that there are many dissimilarities in American culture and our county's culture and because of that Old people in our country do not like sending their children to America .

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