
Why is America not showing the Beijing Olymipics live? ?

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I heard America is not showing live commentary of the 2008 Olympics. Is this true and why?




  1. There's a 12-hour time difference between Beijing and the Eastern time zone in the US. Anything that they're showing in the morning isn't live because it's night-time in Beijing, but when the events actually happened it was night-time in much of the US. Events shown in the evening mostly are live, it's morning in Beijing.

  2. It's because NBC wants the events in primetime so people will see it and they can get good ratings. Swimming was live, but now everything is taking place at night in Beijing so when it happens it's morning in the US. I'm sure they could get some people to watch it at 8 AM, but more would watch it at night. We're still getting beach volleyball, indoor volleyball, basketball and other stuff live just not track and field.

  3. America is not showing the Beijing Olympics live because of the incident that occurred during the Super Bowl Half Time Show. When Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson performed 'Rock Your Body' live and Janet Jackson showed a little more than expected. After the incident, 'live' television broadcasts are actually recorded, watched and edited, and then played to viewers all over the nation. Sometimes, they would prerecord an event and then played in place of something else. For example, during the Beijing Olympics Ceremony, the fireworks that looked like the Olympic symbol were actually prerecorded and then played. They wanted the fireworks to go just right, so they recorded it when it took place, correctly and watched by viewers all over the nation. Every state broadcasts it at the same time, regardless of the time difference.

  4. NBC said they would get more viewers if they delayed the feed.

  5. timezones. nobody wants to be up at 4 in the morning to watch

  6. it doesnt matter about time zones in jamaica we get it live and this morning i had to wake up @ 6 to watch the 200m finals for women!

  7. I think some of it's live... if tough when you have a 12 hour time difference.. that's as bad as you can get. Most sports are being competed while we all sleep. Those that ARE live in prime time for us mean the athletes have to compete in the early morning. It's basically a time difference thing. They try their best to bring the competitions they think Americans would like to see to us live. There is only so much you can do when your days are completely opposite.

  8. because the time diffferance, if they have it streaming live, youd be up at like 1 am watching live...  

  9. watch the Olympics more often, they sometimes do show LIVE , pay attention shesh

  10. i think its true.

    thats what i was wondering..why arent they? i mean arent they suppossed to be live?

  11. Time difference.

  12. They are showing lots of live events. But most of them are happening while America is sleeping.

    Still, there has been an incredible amount of live coverage, including online.

  13. some of it is live.  just remember when it is 5 o clock p m  central time here, it is 8 o clock am there so most of what they would show during the day over there would be in the middle of the night here. point being, most americans can't or won't stay up all night to watch tv.

  14. Why's that dumb? I live in South Africa and there's 5 channels of Olympics only, (when its not live it shows highlights)... Even though there is a time difference i still watch it at 3am when the day begins!

  15. uuh the only thing I can think of and I'm not sure this is right but it might be cuz when it's daytime here it's nightime there. I'm not sure though.

  16. Yes, it's true on the West Coast. East Coast bias permits it to be live on the east but not the west.

    Here watch this video it's about their bias

  17. there may be some wardrobe malfunctions so they are being careful


  18. It is not true that they are not showing live Olympics coverage in the US.

    It is true, however that alot of what happens during the day in China happens during the overnight hours in the US - so much of it CANNOT be shown live, unless it were shown at 4 in the morning or something like that.  Although some of it is shown live at that hour - most people cannot watch it then.

    They do broadcast a significant amount of live events to the East Coast and Midwest of the US every night.  However, due to the MORONS who run NBC - the network showing the games - they delay broadcast of those "live" events until three hours later for the West Coast.  That is dumb.  

    However, it is not true that they are not showing live Olympics coverage in the US.

  19. they are showing it live on the east coast starting at 8 o clock to 12 o clock. also remember that china is 10 hours ahead so if they do stuff in the evening there it would be lyk 5 in the morning in the east coast.

  20. i believe there's a 3 sec. delay.

  21. yea different times remember... ur sleeping while they're swimming or running..  

  22. If they showed it live, we would all be using our DVRs to record it anyway, except for those unfortunate enough to work night shifts, so it only makes sense to show the games in what is primetime here in the US.

    I don't know why that makes Americans unintelligent and unclassy as one person answered.

  23. America is unintelligent, unworldly, classless, selfish and money thirsty. NBC is the most sorry excuse for a broad casting company.

  24. It is live on NBC thats why it is really early in the morning and really late at night

  25. No, it is not true.  They show as much of it live as they can.  Every evening and night they have lots of live events on, since that is daytime in China.

    Where do you get your news from?

  26. Because Beijing is on a different time schedule than the United States. The Olympics would be airing at 4 and 5 in the morning if it were live, and that would be silly.

  27. Depending on where you live in the states its at least a 12 hr difference in time.  Right now in NYC its 5pm but in china its 5am.  So when the times are reversed we'll be sleeping and not watching.  They take the most popular events and show them in prime time and they do this every four years.  When the Olympics are in London in 2012 it will be the same.

  28. When it says live on the top right, it is live except for the WEST COAST

  29. the games are held at beijing prime times, at which time most people are sleeping.

  30. it is live, from what Ive seen

  31. no, its live.

    do you really think they would show some of the stuff at 2am on the east coast for no reason?

    theres about a 12 hour time difference. so therefore 2am here is about 2pm there. logical.

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