
Why is America so divided? Do you think racial prejudice still exist, is it a source of our divided country?

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Having to choose Republican. Independent or Democratic sucks. Will we ever come together as one Nation? What do you think other Countries think about our Divisions in America? If you could change anything in America that could bring us together, what would that be?




  1. Yes, sadly it exists in my town. I hate it. Some people think they're better than you if you're different.

  2. Prejudice does still exist, but I firmly believe the U.S. is not any worse than anywhere else. As it stands, we are fodder for other countries to trash talk on right now. We are beyond racially divided right now though and mainly because of the election. It started up a dialog between all of the races, but nobody can hear anyone else because we are all screaming instead of talking. Furthermore, until whites quit calling other whites racist at the drop of a hat (when there truly isn't racism in the situation they are being called so) then we are going to have some serious trouble down the road.  

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