
Why is America so divided? I wish we could just vote for the most qualified person. ?

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Having to choose Republican. Independent or Democratic sucks. Will we ever come together as one Nation? What do you think other Countries think about our Divisions in America? If you could change anything in America that could bring us together, what would that be?




  1. Well 51% of "US" voted for Bush.  If they werent so stupid...we could have a unified country!

  2. "The most qualified person" is different in everyone's eyes...not everyone will agree on the same person. EVER.

    And be thankful we even have the right to choose, and the fact that there even IS division shows that we are free to think whatever we choose.

  3. We are together as one nation.  This competition between ideas and people is what makes us strong.  Countries run by the "most qualified person" end up being petty one man dictatorships.  

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