
Why is America so focused on being thin?

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Ok so I know we are one of the nations with the highest obesity rate but what is it with chair rail thin models, actresses etc?




  1. Because being FAT is unhealthy. Being Ridiculously thin is too.

    In a way it's a positive thing that America is SO FOCUSED on thin people, BUT they are not focused on the proper aspects of being thin.   When it comes to physical fitness most people are completely uneducated or misinformed on losing weight and being healthy.  They think fat turns into muscles and running helps you lose a lot of weight and all these stupid things.

    being Overly fat and overly thin have extremely similar consequences, but it's not okay to be fat, and it's not okay to be thin. There is a middle ground that almost everybody has lost because they have no self control and self honesty, or motivation.

  2. because they think models are atractive and perfect when there skin and bone and ppl think oh there models to look good i hav to look like that its stupid lol.....bad part of it is ppl who are thin just dont know it....aka my friends....get mad at me for being thin.....idk why i am tho kuz i eat like a frigin its a blessing and a curse!

    p.s. im not boney or anything lol im just small....

  3. Human's are more devoted on what others think, when Human's should be determined on how to solves the World's biggest crisis.  

  4. because so many girls grew up playing with Barbie dolls and now have the image of "perfection" as barbie..  tiny waist, perfect curves and big b***s. and thats the image they want for themselves.  

  5. Their is so much pressure and judgment in modern day society, people will go to drastic measures to be thin. It's sad really, just to think of a baby that will one day be consumed by the same pressures.

    This is a commercial, it's sort of sad but may help.

  6. True, it's not just America...

    but what does this tell you:

    Before the island of Fiji had access to television, "big bodies were considered beautiful" and there were no reported cases of bulimia on the island. In 1998, after having TV for three years, 11 percent of women had forced themselves to throw up-about the same percentage as a country like America. "Millenia of tradition were gone in an instant," Becker said.

    Sad, isn't it...

  7. If you are claiming to be focused on being thin and are the most obese nation in the world, you are not focused, you are very unfocused!

  8. i wonder the same thing myself.  it's sad that it's that way because so many young girls try so hard to make themselves look that way and end up really sick.  

  9. The modelling agencies are currently looking for people that more closely represent the middle American woman.

  10. I dislike the bony images that portray unhealthy bodies.  However, fit, lean, and strong bodies are what we should try to have.  I don't understand why someone would want to look at their skin and see the shape of their skeleton when they could see the shape of lean muscle.  

    Lean muscle is better looking and healthier.

  11. because our society is screwed up big time.

  12. i know right...

    i feel like i wanna stick cotton balls in those hollow cheeks.

    it's gotten pretty bad.

    but one of the good things now is that some modeling agencies are turning away models who are too thin...

  13. because we are ridculous!

  14. Hahaha...people WANT to be thin but only a handful actually are in America. It's the other countries that are REALLY focused on being thin. Come on. America has TERRIBLE eating habits that they aren't giving up on anytime soon.

  15. it's simple really, girls that are thin look hot

    and that is why many girls wants to be thin

  16. This isn't just the continent of America focused on this issue, it is most of the globe.  The reason is because media shows us from a very early age what is the image of "beauty" through various outlets, such as: magazines, television, movies.  We are, in a way, brainwashed by the media and by the rest of society into what is "beautiful."

  17. You are onme of the fattest people in the whole world serious it was on television

  18. nyc

  19. In most countries, models and actresses etc..., try to look thin.

    It's not just America, sweetie.  

  20. because we are all fat

  21. they are on the tv, in magazines. that is what guys want. it is hard for us real people to be like that. i would'nt want to look like a stick but i would'nt mind being half the size i am now.

  22. Mostly because of TV and Supermodels. I don't like being skinny at all. I'm 13 years old and I'm 142 pounds. I like having thick thighs, and a bubble butt, and I like having big b***s!!!! If anyone has a problem with that they need to say it to my d**n face!!

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