
Why is Ann Coulter being unpatriotic?

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Ann Coulter makes anti-Semitic remarks (see: ). Why is Ann Coulter supporting such un-American ideas that our first president said would only place darkness in our path? Does she think that making money is enough reason to harm the civil discourse of our country?




  1. She's not unpatriotic.  She's a business woman who profits from saying ridiculous things so people who like her buy her books and people who hate continue to hate her (which makes the people who like her more excited and willing to buy her books)

    The reality is she's weathly and she lives in CT, a blue state surrounded by blue states and blue state minded people (I know, I lived there for many years).  Believe me, she really has nothing in common with nor does she live anything close to lifestyle of the people who like her and buy her books.

  2. She is nothing but a media pimp. She can only get her name in the press if she says something stupid.

  3. LOL

    Nice stretch child.

    I have no ise for Ann but your attempt to attack her was pathetic.

    It is more unpatriotic to want to silence her as you people want.

  4. And so  you like a child have to call names back and make stupid assumptions of your own.  (e.g. un-American, 'harming the civil discourse of our country?')

    Then you patronize your opposition in advance by informing them that you will laugh at their opinion of  your slander. Why are you assuming that you have good objective information to begin with? Pal, the most average people are those who think they aren't.

  5. Under the heading "Always Bite The Hand That Feeds You!"  it sells books and gets ratings.  Our Founding Fathers were of many different denominations and faiths, despite public opinion.  Many of them were deists and many avoided traditional religious conventions altogether.  Many of them also had lifestyles that directly contradicted their professed beliefs, much as politicians do today.  The only way Ann Coulter can harm any form of civil discourse however, is if anyone actually takes her seriously.  She has joined the ranks of Geraldo Rivera, Bill O'Reilly, and Pat Robertson in the lunatic fringe effort to placate the far right Imperialist, (or Triumphalist if you prefer that term) propaganda spewing, sensationalists.  They have a right to their opinion however, just as I have a right not to listen to it.  Hopefully the rest of the nation will catch up soon!

  6. Ann Coulter is an evangelical Christian, like Bush, like many many others who are keeping the Republican party in power. Not to mention, many Jews like Lieberman are happy to team up with some nasty people to further the cause of Israel. They need to read more about these guys because far right Christians are more like the President of Iran and think, as Coulter said(MSNC has the full interview) that no Jews would be best. Her brand of Christianity is nothing like other Christians but Christians think she defends them.

    Nasty stuff and she has a huge following and the support of the whitehouse.

    They want war in the middle east, they want armagedon and they want the "rapture". And they don't care about who is hurt in the process.

    This would be funny if they weren't getting exactly what they want.

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