
Why is Aussie Rules such a rubbish cowardly game compared to Rugby League or Union ?

by  |  earlier

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If interested view my similar Question posted in the Australian football site ! Victorians really are nothing compared to Sydney and Brissie siders ! I pitty those idiots down there !




  1. wow u must have a pretty sad life. reall yhave u nothing else to do but give ur opinion that no1 cares bout. there r like 1 in every 50000 people in australia tha think like that. now thats sad. im an eagles supporter (aussie rules) and its so popular that theres like a waiting list to get a membership, u have to wait years till theres an opening from some1 diing or something, no1 wood leave otherwise. rarely do u see that in other sports.

    as for your additional imformation like anyone cares how up yourself u r. yes i pitty the people down tasmania hoo r unlucky enough to have an AFL team.

    and wat the h**l...gridiron has heaps of pading how is that gonna hurt u?

    oh and ur question on the aussie rules section ... it was sexist and the americans where tights... we where short shorts ...which is wayyyyyyy cooler (I like short shorts...ur a BEEP)

    but really ive got nothing against rugby union or league (go western force) not ridiculing the sport...only u. lol. meanwhile get a life!

  2. Didn't u ask this question a few days ago, get a life

  3. you are a f@#kwit

  4. Look, you`ve made me go bald with all these nasty questions.

    Imagine what you`ve done to the Mexicans  he he

  5. I have never been to Victoria, lived now in NSW a couple of years, but most of my life in Brisbane. I was a mad league supporter, until we had that super league farce in the later 90's. Then I did something interesting... actually went to see a live AFL game, Brisbane Bears and Footscray (or Western Bulldogs). What a fantastic game to see live. I still follow the league (go the Sea Eagles) but I prefer the AFL.

    Allow me to ask a question back... have you watched a live first grade AFL game? I mean, not on tv, and not just some local teams, but the premiership teams? If you are in NSW or QLD, have you actually watched Brisbane or Sydney play? I once thought like yourself, but I consider myself more enlightened having actually watched a game live.

    Here's an interesting observation from when I lived in Brisbane. As a general rule, as successful as the Brisbane Broncos are, more people would watch the Lions than the Broncos. And I compare the crowds that the Swans get compared to the rugby league games, and there is no comparison. Sorry to say it, if you have to pity those idiots down there, you have to pity those idiots in Brisbane and Sydney too. Even in NSW and QLD you are in a minority.

  6. wayne A-hole at it again i see,ya big rugby player wanna b-keep working out in the gym,you may pass 65kg one day

    dont worry wayne that victorian that stole your boy friend is sending him back up to sydney the (g*y capital of Australia) to play in your marching band.

    wayne A when you ask nasty questions and bag other people ie vics your going to get nasty responses-take it easy mate.

  7. You've had your head in too many scrums Wayne. Come up with some new questions if that battered little thing you call a brain will allow you to.

    Go the Maroons!!!

  8. I understand you don't like (actually, that's more like you hate) Aussie Rules, and I don't pretend to understand why that is, or why you want to wipe out that sport and its fans from the surface of the earth as if you were some sort of Hitler of sports.

    The only thing that puzzles me is trying to understand why you call it a "coward" game... have you seen them hit eachother? have you seen them run? have you seen them being carried out of the field with their bodies broken and bleeding?

    Well, I have, and it definitely takes guts to dare go into an oval, just as it takes to go into any Rugby field as well.

    And this comes from a guy who loves both rugbies AND aussie rules alike (though I must say aussie rules is a bit more fun to watch than rugby)

    Anyways mate, let this go! Aussie rules won't dissapear just because you want it to! And think that it is exactly this sort of thinking the one that brought us the n***s, the armenian genocide, the dictatorships in Latin America that exterminated tens of thousands of people, etc.

    I am not exagerating, you may think you have this going on just for football, but it is just the way that your hate found to get out, if this valve closes down tomorrow, it will have to find another one, and that day we´ll worry.

    Get help!!!

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