
Why is Australia so good at Rugby?

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Why is Australia so good at Rugby?




  1. cause they suck nuts at every thing and footballs a better sport and I mean real football the game for men you foriners

  2. Easy.   They play it a lot.    They are also good at tennis and swimming, or used to be, since they do those a lot also.

  3. Australia aren't that good at the moment really, lost in the quarter finals of the World Cup, ranked 4th in the world... No teams in the top 4 of the Super 14 (this week, anyway)

    However, as an Aussie, I'd say we're so good at it because we're generally pretty good at all sports, and even though rugby's the 3rd or 4th most popular football code in the country we're still more than competitive against anyone.

  4. NZ helped them in the 1970s, and we've regretted it ever since!

  5. You mean league or union?

    They are two different games.

    There are not many countries that play these sports.

    Australia is ok in many sports due to great climate, good playing conditions and school envirionment

  6. They're good at sport generally because of the climate. While us Brits are stuck indoors complaining about the weather, the Aussies are out playing sports.

    They are particularly dominant at rugby league because it's mainly played in Austrailia and the North of England and there are more people living in Australia than the North of England.

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