
Why is Australia so sour that UK is doing brill in Olympics?

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  1. Not sour...just shocked.  We are used to beating the Brits up in most sports and are amazed you have learnt to ride bikes so fast.  Nice to see you do well.  Bring on the Commonwealth Games to balance things up.

  2. I haven't heard a single negative comment here in Australia about the Brits success.  I have heard many positive comments and don't believe anyone begrudges the Brits a bit of success.  Australians in sport actually tend to measure themselves against the USA rather than Britain.  The British love of pointing out that Australia was started as a penal colony is a bit worn out, only about 20% of the population has any descent from the early convicts as the major period of immigration to Australian has been the 20th century rather than the 19th.

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  4. Because in school they teach us to hate you wankers almost as much as we hate the yanks.

  5. We arent.

    So go stick that in your juice box and suck it =D

  6. Ugh, this media beat up on both sides is beyond a joke now. This he said she said game they are playing trying to invoke yet another mud slinging rivalry where the bigger idiots among us start acting in an extremely unsportsmanlike manner is just super frustrating to both me (Aussie) and my best friend (British).

    Not sour at all, it has been 100 years since GBR has done so well and that is something to be proud of. The lottery money has been worth every cent to promote the kind of health and wellbeing through competitive sports that only such a haul at the Olympics can do. Come London, if Australia doesn't start taking it a bit more seriously then we will start sliding back down the ladder again where you expect to find countries with our size population.

    Its a challenge, and as Aussies, rather than try and discredit it, we should rise to it - like adults. We also need to stop letting the media play us like children. All of us. We are all far smarter than that - or at least thats what I would like to believe.

  7. Team GB is doing so well due to the weather in China being damp and gloomy, we're right at

  8. I don't notice that Australians are sour about Britian, I did notice that we are very proud our achievments

  9. Haha im aussie and i can definately tell you that there are alot of people who are sour about Uk doing well. Check out the yahoo message boards. There is a post someone posted up and you see so many responses about the uk how theyre this and that. I dont think its fair and congrats for making it this far. Sometimes we just have to realise that Australia cant have it their way all the time

  10. Are they? How do you know they're real Australians when they're on the internet and could be anybody trying to cause trouble with our Australian brothers and sisters. They're probably jealous that Australia is such a good country when they didn't let in much immigration and kept a good system by still being close to their British culture.

  11. being and ex colony and all -- is probably the most of it. Austrailians usually do better and get higher medal counts than the u.k so that adds to the tension

  12. that is easy because Australia is Australia and

    Great Britain is made up from

    Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland

    so why don't they stand on there own like in the world cup football and they play for Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland not Great Britain

  13. No-one in Australia is 'sour' about it.  I'm not sure what the British media is saying but we are fine with it.

    Australia and England have good rivalries in Cricket/Rugby etc.  Obviously we would like to beat Britain but in all honesty, Britain have performed better at these olympics.

  14. We are no reason to be sour about UK because generally our athletes do a lot better in sport outsdie of olympics.

  15. What does "brill" mean? If you mean awesome, then its because they are the descendants of criminals the UK exiled to Australia and they're not over it yet.

  16. We Brits would be exactly the same if Australia were doing better than us.  There always has and probably always will be, a healthy competitive streak between the 2 of us.  So, bring it on!

  17. perhaps its because we are ahead of them for a change. I always hear them gloat when they beat us at Cricket.  

  18. becuase Aussies and Brits are always at war with each other - verbally.

  19. Australia has an attitude to sport that has been lacking in Britain, but we are finally cottoning on. You play to win. Making up the numbers is simply not good enough.

  20. It is just the pom press talking.They haven't been the same about us Aussies since we beat them 3-0 at soccer.

  21. I only heard this on the news tonight!

    I haven't heard anyone say a bad word about the UK.

    Thebad stuff I've heard is more about the Chinese Government blocking website, the little who didn't sing in the opening games...

  22. cos sport is the only thing they can compete with us at, and if they cant beat us at that then they get very very angry

    id say they drown their sorrows in drink but theyre always drunk anyway lol

  23. No way!! Its great to see the poms doing well at the olympics.

    Even when an Aussie is beaten by a brit i give a cheer..

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