
Why is Austria so civilized?

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There is very little crime, everything works properly, people obey the traffic laws, children are pleasant and respectful, it's almost unreal.

I don't think it's religion, because while Austria is more religious than the UK it is less so than the US. Yet going to either of those countries after visiting Austria is like a visit to the zoo. All that sensuality, aggression, body-pride and body-shame...

I don' t think it's because it's so small (as in "small is beautiful") because Ireland is also small, yet Ireland is more like the UK and the US.

Is it because Austrians are not allowed to beat their children, so you don't get that culture of violence? Or because the schools are better? Or because of the social safety net? Or are there ethnic reasons? Or because "high culture" is more prevalent than "mass culture" in Austria.? Or because the default value is order (rather than freedom in the Anglo-Saxon countries)?

A lot of this could also be applied to Scandanavia as well.




  1. looks like the ideal place to live,I wonder if that could that be the reason its  a good place to live coz they don't allow lots of people to emigrate there so keeping there way of life staying the same,sorry I'm not very good at putting it into words but do you see what I'm trying to say,  the children are brought up in a good way,so they grow into good people and they are all taught the same ,no people from outside that havnt been taught the same values, morals ,and respect being the most important of all i think

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