
Why is Barack Obama so popular in Germany? as opposed to France or U.K. or other countries?

by Guest63754  |  earlier

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Why is Barack Obama so popular in Germany? as opposed to France or U.K. or other countries?




  1. The biggest question is:

    Why is a candidate for the US presidency campaigning in Germany? Shouldn't he be talking with the people of the US, the people he wants to represent?

    Secondly, why would I care what people around the world think of our presidential candidates. They are elected (hired.. we pay them) to run this country, not the world.

    Obama's speech in Germany just about sealed the deal on how he isn't a worthwhile presidential candidate.

  2. Because the Europeans wants another Bill Clinton, an American President that is willing to be soft on transalantic trade and accecpt the governmental support of provate industry. I President who will put Americans out of work to promote trade and growth in other countries. So the European can continue to take their 4 - 6 weeks annual vacations and work a 35 hour work week. Plus defend Europe against the rising Russian Empire.

    The USA has been paying to rebuild Europe, and defend Europe for years.

  3. First of all, the most important thing is that George W. Bush is absolutely unpopular in Germany. Anyone who steps in to replace him and his warlike policies will receive a warm welcome in Germany. If, for example, Hillary would have been the candidate and would have travelled to Germany, she whould have attracted a similar crowd and many cheers.

    That being said, it's true that there is a certain Obama hype in Germany, but to me it seems that this has just spilled over from the US to us and to our news makers. Obama is a symbol for change, and we do wish for change in US politics.

  4. I am shocked they wanted to talk to a black man

  5. There's a reason Germany is often referred to as our "weaker sister".

  6. Cause our population is uneducated

  7. Germany likes Obama because he is a democrat and I am guessing the U.K. likes republicans more. (I was born in Germany)

    PS: When Obama goes to Iraq to see the troops he shows that he cares more about the troops than McCain who is just talking to rich old guys telling them how he is going to make them richer and make their neighbors poorer.

  8. Obama is popular in most of Western Europe, He chose Germany for a major campaign speech, but if he had opted to give the speech in France, the UK or some other country he would have drawn a large crowd there as well. If Europeans could vote for the office, Obama would win in a landslide and carry virtually every country.

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