
Why is Barack "The Emperor" Obama so afraid of Sarah "The Real One" Palin?

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Why is Barack "The Emperor" Obama so afraid of Sarah "The Real One" Palin?




  1. He's not. Why would he be?

    He's done nothing but say positive things about her.

  2. How can Obama be afraid of a NOBODY?

  3. Obama along with most wise American fear this:

  4. He's question.

  5. She has more executive ability in one finger.  "community organizer = ?"  Oh, I remember now!  Thats liberal code for smoozing with defunct terrorists, ranting preachers and one with a record like that deserves the highest office in the USA!

  6. YOu are mistaking our uncontrolled laughter for fear.

  7. He isn't. But it sure sounds like your camp is...

  8. He isn't.  Even Karl Rove, a McCain advisor thinks Govenors and Mayors have not enough experience to do the job at the Presidential level.

  9. I'm not thinking he's afraid, but she is awesome!  I'm voting for her and her hoagie mate McCain come November!

    Note:  I'm telling you.  Obama is hiding some seriously scary and dangerous things.  Mark my words.

  10. They're not. That's your little fantasy not theirs.

  11. Why should anyone be of a would be mother of 5? Meaning she bore them, yes, but mothered them, no.

  12. He isn't.

  13. He's not, because he has Joe "Eat the Yappy Dog Alive" Biden his attack dog who is respected by more than just U.S. politicians.

  14. Yes I agree. She is the real one that was a member of a secessionist group. Seems to me she puts on her Alaskan hat on first, then her Republican one, followed by her American one. Which she would do away with all together I'm sure if she had the chance.

    Yup that's who I want as second in line for the Presidency. Someone that won't have either my or Americas best interest at heart.

    Country First my posterior. What "Country" will she put first?

  15. I think they should settle it in the ring

    she would kick his ***!

    After that she should go after all the media idiots like Matthews olberman, Dowd, Noonan, Cafferty, Curic, .........  

  16. I think a better question is why her fellow conservatives are:

  17. You will be embarassed later on when she 'quits'  (read that as get dumped)  

    She's a liabitlity

  18. Because Obama knows Palin has more experience then he has!  

  19. I'd say because he knows he really screwed up by throwing Senator Clinton under the bus and he sees all those women's votes going for Senator McCain and Gov. Palin.

  20. I don't know.

  21. He loves her!  The choice of Sarah "neocon mama" Palin cements his argument that McCantrememberhowmanymansionsIown is just going to be 4 more years of Bush policies.  Sarah "I hate america" Palin thinks Alaska should secede for the nation is as or more conservative than d**k "lets go hunting" Cheney.

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