
Why is Barbie Doll so popular ?

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  1. she is pretty

  2. Abnormally huge b***s, and she's an airhead.

  3. shes awsome

  4. She was the first model doll that you could buy and dress in different outfits. = )

  5. i feel it due to she was the first Fashion Model Barbie Dolls around  where you Can buy and dress and collect her  and she never get old :)

  6. Everyone loves blonde hair darling.  

  7. Barbie Doll was designed to be the symbol of of what the female ought to look like. In today's society there is a tremendous amount of pressure to subscribe to a thin body such as this proposes. Also the G.I. Joe (Barbies counter part) was designed to express the male dominance in our society, but there is more of a long haired G.I. Joe in the present culture since feminist movement has taken its position.

  8. I dunno you should ask younger people maybe because its fun

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